The Cavalry

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(Qing's POV)

I stood up; when the one I really hoped would come, walked into the room.

And my friends too; gasped as they too, stood up after me.


"Ma," I could feel, the weight of my guilt, as it slumped on my conscience with full force.

But then, I also felt immense gratitude to have her coming. Her, being here means more than anything right now. No, short of getting Dayu back, this is the biggest hope came true for me.

I met her eyes, as she looked at me after she had smiled and greeted everyone else. She hadn't greeted me yet.

She walked, until she was standing in front of me.

The woman who loved and adored me so whole heartedly prior to that incident two years ago. The woman, who entrusted her son to me.

Dayu's mother. The woman, I betrayed, when I betrayed Dayu.

"Ma," I felt the sharp sting on my left cheek. And my head swung sideways.

She had slapped me with her right hand, full forced.

I deserved it. And I braced myself for more.

"That was for my son and for not contacting us for two years." Her voice was thick with emotion.

I waited for my next punishment. Whatever she would do, whatever she would say, I would take them all. I would accept them all.

Then, I felt warmth encircling me. And I realized that I'm in her embrace.

"And this is also for my son and for holding on for two years." She whispered in a trembling voice.

I wept like a baby. In her arms. In front of the four people in the room. I didn't care.

I didn't know how relieved I would be until I heard her words and felt her embrace. She still loves me. I'm still her other son. I'm so glad, I couldn't even say how much.

She patted my back, soothed me, as we stood like that for a very long time. When I was ready to face her, I finally drew back and looked at her.

She wiped off my tears from my face and then smiled, "Qing ah.."

I smiled through my tear stained face, "Ma."

And I led her to sit down beside me.

Then I realised that the rest of the guys too were still standing up. And I smiled at them. We only sat down after Dayu's mother had sit down.

There was an awkward silence for another minute, before Dayu's mother finally spoke.

"So, how are we going to do this?"

No questions asked about what had happened two years ago. She just went straight to the point.

I finally took the risk of dialing Dayu's mother's number this morning. I prayed that it's still the same.

Because of my cowardice I didn't dare to call her not even once, after I went to see her and Dayu's father that time, two years ago.


December 2016

It had been one week since Dayu broke off all communication with me.
I couldn't reached his number anymore.

And within that one week, I knew that I have to come and see Dayu's parents. I didn't know if Dayu had told them about what had happened but regardless it's my responsibility to see them and owned up my mistake.

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