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Present Day

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Present Day

(Feng's Residence)

"He still loves Qing." Dayu's mother looked at her husband who's queitly reading his favourite book on the bed.

"Yes. I know." Dayu's father nodded, sighing, "but he's still hurting.." it's obvious.

"What do you think happened? Dayu's reaction was too strong.." she thought that after two years at least, Dayu wouldn't have been so affected by Qing.

But judging from Dayu's reaction over dinner earlier on, she didn't see any difference at all. Dayu still reacted like he'd reacted to Qing two years ago.

Dayu's father thought for a moment and then said, "he probably haven't realized that he still love Qing..And it will make it harder for Qing to get Dayu back.."

"What?" Dayu's mother looked at her husband in disbelief.

"Why do you say that?" She asked worriedly.

Despite all, despite everything, she still loves Qing. She still wants him for a son in law.

Of course, when she first knew, it had almost devastated her. She probably hated Qing for quiet some time.

After calming herself, she called Qing's cousin, Wang Yu, to get another glimpse of the story again. Because Wang Yu knew about what had really happened, better than anybody else.

And hearing it from another person other than Qing, made Dayu's mother able to think and assess the situation better.

And though she still thinks that what Qing did was wrong, it wasn't entirely his fault. He didn't purposely went out looking for someone else.

That girl, came full force at Qing with bad intention and she did her homework well. She had planned everything down to the last details.

And that night, Qing was drugged. Qing didn't know what he was doing.

And most importantly. It didn't go too far. Qing hadn't gone to the point of no return. Wang Yu managed to stop it.

It hurt knowing that her perfect son in law wasn't actually perfect after all. Qing has his weakness and apparently it is her son, Dayu; Which the wretched girl used to lure Qing.

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