Plans for the Future

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Present time

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Present time

Wang Manor, St Peter Jersey, UK

(Qing's POV)

"You're making a progress in your modelling career, Chen..." Guo Tao looked at Chen, "you're even modelling for Cosmo Brand permanently now.."

"Really?" Dayu looked at Chen, "that's awesome..!" He smiled.

I could see that he's genuinely happy for Chen. I knew, that Dayu was beginning to warm up to Chen after Chen's outburst and after Chen's obvious loyalty towards Dayu.

"It was just a two-year contract..I'm still running my tour agency though.." Chen answered, very calmly, to everyone's surprise. He sounded almost normal; almost like the Chen from two years ago.

"You have a tour agency?" Dayu exclaimed.

Chen smiled as he saw Dayu's shock, "it's funny seeing you so shocked, Dayu ah.." he said, "Yes...I have a small tour agency..established a year ago.."

We all didn't even know about it let alone, invited to the opening. Only Cai Zhao knew, though only after the opening ceremony. It was Cai Zhao who told us about it a few days after the opening.

"You didn't invite us the opening.." Wang Yu gege said, looking at Chen, waiting for his reaction. Chen looked at Wang Yu gege and then the rest of the guys.

"I'm sorry..Let me make it up to you guys back home..I'll treat you all to a drink.." Chen smiled a little, looking at the guys.

Well, Chen was finally treating the guys almost normally. Though he's still a bit reserved but at least he's not that cold anymore.

Gaining Chen's trust again could be a little difficult, I know, but at least he's not seriously blocking me or the guys from his life anymore.

We had finished lunch and we were lounging together leisurely in the garden looking at the garden and the horse groomers grooming our horses.

The guys would be staying here for two days. They'd be heading back to China tomorrow night. All of them including Wang Yu gege, tried to decline and persistently told us that it's better if they stayed at the hotel tonight but Dayu and I insisted that they should stay here.

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