Severing and Bonding

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Present Day

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Present Day

(Dayu's POV)

The guys were looking at me, as if looking for something that they thought would be a give away to my feelings.

Wang Yu gege had just confirmed that the one who'd been spreading rumours was the same girl who had started everything two years ago.

And I understand that the guys were worried about me; Chen and Qing the most. I realised that they rightfully should be worried; the first, had to witness me when I was torn and broken to pieces; the later, was the one I who broke and tore me to pieces. So, they should be worried.

I looked at everyone, meeting their eyes head on. And I held Qing's eyes the longest. Then I gave him a smile.

Perhaps the guys were expecting me to look worried and troubled. Perhaps they were right in their expectation; that perhaps I should be feeling worried and troubled. But I felt none of those.

Right now; just like when I first knew about this from Qing, I felt angry. At the girl. How could someone do something like that? She's a complete psycho, stalking Qing and me, assuming my personality, tricking and drugging Qing; I mean who would do that? Not someone who's normal apparently. Someone should give her a slap or two to get some sanity into her head. You just don't do that to people.

Because of her; Qing and I had to go through two years of pain. She made me a bitter person. I would never have run away from anything in my life; but I knew that I did run away from Qing; from our relationship. I'm angry because she could turned me into someone I thought I'd never be. A coward.

But that's about the only emotion I'm going to let myself feel for her. She's not worth my worries. And she's definitely not worth Qing worrying because her. That's why. I needed Qing to forgive himself; because I knew, if he doesn't; that girl will have a hold on him. She will continue to haunt Qing and us. And I don't want that.

It's enough. She had done enough. The moment Qing gained the confidence to forgive himself; the girl ceased to exist between us. She is nothing to us now.

"Dayu ah.." Qing was a little taken aback by my smile. He's still worried that I might blame him and that I might begun to doubt him again.

If Qing really had any feelings for the girl; he wouldn't have waited for me for two years. Even if he didn't want to be with the girl because she's crazy,  he could've gotten himself another lover in these two years. But he didn't.

That's all that matters to me. Knowing that Qing loves me; that he waited for me. I wouldn't throw what we got right now; for something that had happened two years ago.

"Didn't I say that she should mean nothing to you and to me, now?" I looked deeply into Qing's eyes, baring my soul to him, showing him that I truly meant what I'm saying, "she's nothing but a crazy psycho."

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