A Different Dimension

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Present TimeFebruary 2019

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Present Time
February 2019

(Qing's POV)

"I was ready to lock you up and throw the keys away."

I heard Dayu laughed a little when I told him that. Perhaps he didn't think that I was serious.

I tightened my arms around him, a bit more, "I'm telling you the truth. Perhaps you would think that there's no way that I could do that..But...you really didn't know the me apart from this little more than a month period." I said, I guess now that I had begun to open up and I had went pass the most horrible thing I did, and was still forgiven, I am now telling Dayu everything. Even the things I wouldn't have to tell him; I want to tell them all. I'm baring my soul to him.

"When it comes to you, I think I could even kill," I did seriously think about attempting suicide, just to have Dayu forgive me. If I could consider killing myself, what makes killing others be any different?

"Wang Qing.!" Dayu moved to pull himself away, to take a look at me.

"You're not kidding.." Dayu eyed me, intently.

"I told you. I'm not." I let Dayu see the truest nature of my feelings for him.

"You're my one obsession..the one thing that meant more to me than life itself.." I told Dayu, and I meant every word. These words might sound like the cliche words overused in romance movies and telenovelas all around the world, but I can say for sure, for me; this is real.

The best times of my life, had been the times when I had Dayu with me and the worst times in my life was when I lost him.

I was walking and breathing; and everyday I would wake up and went to work, like the rest of the world. But only God knows how it really was for me. Only God and me know.

I smiled and laughed, but only because I needed to, not because I wanted to. Looking joyful and happy became a job, not something that I genuinely feel.

Little did people know, that one of the hardest working and seemingly living blissfully, man, in the Mainland's entertainment industry, was only living in an empty shell; hollow and bitter.

I was existing not living; staying alive with only one sole purpose; waiting for the day that I would finally have Dayu by my side, again.

People say, that it's not possible to love somebody so much. They say that it's not possible to be so hung up on one person so much. That it's impossible to live a life dictated by love.

Well, clearly people are wrong. Dead wrong. My whole life for the past seven years revolved only on one person. I live my life dictated by my love for him. And only him.

"You're real..right..? You're really here..? And I'm not just dreaming this?"

I had been dreaming of the day when I would finally have Dayu in front of me, looking at me with the look he's giving me right now; for a very long time.

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