Advancing in Our Relationship

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April 2015

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April 2015

(Qing's POV)

I couldn't believe that I could have blurted out such words to Dayu.

It was as cheesy as hell. And it wasn't just a written text, I recorded it on voicemail and sent it to him.

"Come on Dayu..Please say yes..If you do, we could advance further in our relationship."


If that wasn't cheesy. I don't know what is.

I finally decided to take the plunge, a few days ago, because I couldn't delay it much longer.

Ms Chai Jidan had been calling me, asking me to bring Dayu to meet her for days.

So, that day, when Chen was out with his friends I began talking to Dayu.

I had been turning nervously on my bed, pretending to read a book, while he was doing some revision at his study table.

"What is it, Qing..?" Dayu asked without even turning, "speak."

Even with his back to me, he knew that I was being restless. And being restless meant, I have something on my mind.

"Uhmmmm." I began, masking my raging emotion by speaking word by word, not rushing them, "I went to a casting call for a web series, a week ago. And I got the lead part..."

He stopped whatever he wants doing and then turned to me, "what!!" He blinked at me, then he broke to the widest and happiest of smile, "Qing ah!!! Congratulations! That's so amazing!"

And I smiled back, he's so happy for me, but I can't celebrate it yet, he still haven't heard the whole story.

"What's the title..? When will it begin filming..?"

Whoa. He's excited for me.

"Counter Attack; Falling in Love with Your Rival."

His big beautiful eyes were shining with excitement, "wou! Even the title is amazing! Wou! Have you told the family?"

He was already on my bed then, wanting me to talk more about the web series.

I cleaned my throat, "it's an adaptation of a  BL novel."

We both knew what BL means. We did a study on the topic, in one of our classes. We are from the performing arts department, majoring in theatres, after all. We studied all genres.

Dayu's eyes went huge with shock again.

"Wou!" He hesitated a bit, "you're okay with it..?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes, "I'm looking forward to it.."

"Oh.." he nodded, then he frowned, "the family..?"

"You know that they'd be supportive of me. In whatever I do.." and they'd be supportive in this one, 100% because I'd be acting with Dayu.

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