Best Friends

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Royal London Hospital

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Royal London Hospital

(Dayu's POV)

We were asked to meet the doctor at the his office; me and both of my parents.

My parents looked calm; as if they know something I don't. Well, I guess they do. They know the last seven years of my life and I don't.

We walked together to Dr. Langdon's office, the Thoracic Specialist who had performed my surgery and had been supervising me for the past one month.

My father knocked on the door and it was opened immediately by a nurse, who ushered us in. The nurse then went out and closed the door behind her.

Upon entering, I saw a figure sitting in front of the doctor. I gasped.

The garden man. Wang Qing!

And as soon as I saw him, I felt a warmth, the same warmth I felt when I met him in person two nights ago.

But the instant I felt the warmth seeping in, I also felt a knot tying in the pit of my stomach. Which was confusing to say the least.

What's he doing here?

"Mr and Mrs Feng..Please, have a seat."

As my parents approached, Wang Qing stood up and bowed to greet them.

I think I turned to stone with the shock and confusion.

What's happening? My parents knew him?

"Dayu..Come.." My mother's voice jolted me back into reality. My parents and the garden man were all sitting down and looking at me.

And my mother motioned me to come and sit down beside them and - him; Wang Qing.

I was still very much confused, but I did what I was told and went to sit down on the chair next to Wang Qing.

"Good morning.." he greeted me in that perfect Chinese pronunciation of his. He sounded so cool; like a TV broadcaster or something.

"Good morning.." I nodded, I would have smiled at him, if I wasn't so confused.

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