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Geno P.O.V

Working as a prison guard was hard.

I sighed as I walked down one of the prison's long hallways.  Whistles and catcalls chased after me, and eyes followed wherever I went.  When I neared the end of the hall, I quickened my pace, eager to get out of the sight of the horny prisoners.

I burst through the doors, and was met with the face of my friend, Stretch, who had a cigarette dangling from his lips.  Stretch's tired eyes widened when he saw me, and he tore the cigarette from his mouth.

"Don't tell the boss," he warned, stomping on the cigarette.  "He threatened to fire me when he caught me smoking on the job."  I rolled my eyes.

"You know I'm not a snitch, Stretch," I assured.  Stretch breathed a sigh of relief.  "You've gotta end this habit, though.  Smoking will be the end of you." 

Stretch sighed irritably.  "I know, I know," he said, pausing, before checking his watch.  "Three thirty.  We've gotta go meet a new transfer now."  I nodded, and followed Stretch through a series of long corridors.

Soon, we reached a gate, where a guard and a prisoner stood waiting.  The guard gave Stretch and I a subtle nod when he saw us, then left, leaving us alone with the prisoner.

Something about said prisoner made my heart want to escape my chest.  The prisoner - who was obviously male - had dark hair, and fair skin.  His eyes were dark, and he wore a cocky smirk.  He was dressed in the standard orange prison jumpsuit, and had his hands cuffed in front of him.  I inhaled sharply when his eyes met mine, and his smirk grew.

"Hey there~" he said in a flirty tone.  Heat rose to my face. 

'Who is this guy?'  I thought, 'And why is he making me feel like this?' 

Then, as if reading my mind, he directed his gaze at me, and said, "The name's Reaper~" 

The prisoner - Reaper - took a step towards us, and offered his cuffed hand, which I shook shyly.  I attempted to hide my spreading blush with my hands, but Reaper only laughed at my embarrassment.

Suddenly, Stretch said, "I've gotta go, you two have fun!"  My eyes snapped to him, but he was already a ways away.

"Stretch, no- get your ass back here!"  I shouted.  Stretch grinned.

"Sorry bud.  Things to do, meetings to attend," he lied, before turning, and running away.  I gritted my teeth, before closing my eyes, and taking a deep breath.  I turned to face an amused Reaper.

"Let's go," I said gruffly, stepping behind him.  I heard him laugh.

"Anywhere with you~" Reaper said.  I could hear his smirk, and my blush deepened.

"Shut up," I snapped, cuing a laugh from Reaper.

"As you wish, sweetheart~"


~Time Skip~

I shoved Reaper into his cell.  He smirked, then seated himself on the bed.  He watched me intently as I fumbled with the keys, locking him in. I flushed brighter under his stare.

"Bye," I mumbled, trudging away with my hands in my pockets.  I heard a laugh follow me down the hall as I turned the corner.


~Time Skip~

I sighed as I collapsed onto my bed, face still burning.  I rolled onto my back, thinking of the cocky smirk of a certain prisoner that I couldn't seem to get out of my head.  I frowned, and shifted again, closing my eyes, only to be greeted with the face that seemed to be seared onto the backs of my eyelids. I sighed softly, and turned restlessly, attempting to find a position comfortable enough to sleep in.

Key word being attempting.




Next part will be up soon~

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