Chapter 15

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Geno P.O.V

"It's okay, sweetheart, it's okay.  You're safe; I won't let anyone hurt you anymore.  You're safe here.  I will protect you.  With everything I have.  You're safe with me, I promise."

I was stunned into silence. I opened my mouth, but no words cane forth. Instead of speaking, I pressed myself closer to him, tears brewing in my eyes.

There was a long pause then Reaper sighed softly, and kissed the top of my head gently. A slight, now familiar warmth found it's way to my face, and I could only mumble a quiet thank you into his shoulder. Reaper gave a soft laugh with a slightly - almost unnoticeably so - bitter taste edging his tone.

"You don't have to thank me for every little thing, you know that, right?" He queried, nuzzling my warming cheek, then, as if realizing his actions, he halted.

"Yeah, but I want to," I countered, smiling softly. Reaper gave a quiet laugh, and released me from the hug. He wore a gentle smile, and his eyes - though touched with a slight sadness -were glinting. His cheeks were a soft red, and I found that I had to resist the urge to close the gap between us.

"How are you so cute," he murmured absentmindedly, cheeks practically glowing with color. My face scorched red with heat, and I found that - again - I couldn't speak, only stutter nonsensical half sentences.

"Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I?" He muttered, cheeks radiating warmth. I nodded shyly, hiding my reddened face in my scarf. Reaper paused, then produced a rather forced laugh that sounded somewhat akin to a strangled cat.

"Ah, well. It's true, nonetheless~" he proclaimed, a mischievous glint sparking in his eyes. I almost choked on my air, and glared at him, face burning with heat.

"For the last time, I'm not cute!" I insisted. Reaper laughed again - though this time it was an actual laugh - and his lips found my nose. I flushed brighter under his touch, and stared at him, awed.

Reaper smiled at me, - a soft, slight, genuine smile, a smile that promised safety, the smile that I had fallen for so hard. His eyes were soft, and glinted with positive emotion - then, as if a switch was flipped, he jolted, his eyes glazed over, and his smile faded.

I frowned, but before I had the chance to speak, he lifted me off of his lap, a false smile in place of the genuine one, a mockery that never reached his dull eyes.

"Reaper?" I called, my worry showing in my voice. Reaper looked down at my hands that were positioned on his knee.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he responded without waiting for me to ask after his wellbeing, which only made my concern for him grow. A pit in my stomach opened up when he brushed my hands away.

"But..." I trailed off, not especially wanting to confront him about whatever it was that made his eyes dull, and his usual smirk forced. Instead, I sighed, gave him a quick sideways hug, then stood, heart aching profoundly. Reaper jolted out of his head, and looked up at me, head tilted slightly to the side. I forced myself to give him a smile.

"I have to go talk to Ink," I explained, which was less than half true. "Bye." I turned, and made a move to the exit of the cell, but was stopped when I felt warm arms embracing me from behind. My breath hitched, but I soon found myself leaning into Reaper's touch, a fuzzy feeling blossoming in my chest. He kissed the side of my face gently, then released me. I turned to face him, and he smiled sheepishly - though it was finally genuine.

"Bye sweetheart~" he returned, his cheeks a soft pink. I hesitated, then leaned across, closed my eyes, and pressed my lips to his gently. I held the touch for only a few seconds before drawing away, and opening my eyes.  I let out a soft sigh when I saw Reaper's shocked face.

"Sorry," I murmured, tears brewing in my eyes when I realised what I had done.  Before Reaper could say anything, I turned, and ran, desperate to get away.  My vision was blurred, my brain whirling in sudden confusion, and the stupid organ in my chest feeling as if had been stabbed multiple times.


Reaper P.O.V

"Bye sweetheart~" I returned, a soft warmth touching at my face. Geno hesitated for a second, then took a half step closer, leaned across, closed his eyes, and pressed his lips to mine.

My mind blanked.  I couldn't kiss back, couldn't even close my eyes from the shock of it.

Geno held the kiss for only a few seconds before pulling away.  I could still only stare, eyes wide, unable to comprehend anything.  Geno gave a soft sigh when he saw my face.

"Sorry," he murmured, tears pooling in his eyes.  His tears shocked me back into reality, but I couldn't get my paralysed body to comfort him, nor could I get my stiff mouth to open.  Before I had the chance to say anything, - not that I could have - Geno turned, and ran, desperation written over his face.

It was only when he had disappeared around the corner did my body actually start cooperating with my brain.  My face exploded with heat, and touched my fingers to my lips, smiling slightly.

A few seconds later, my brain comprehended further, and I jolted, eyes wide.  I sprinted after Geno, skidding round corners, and bumping into numerous people.  I had no idea where he had gone, so I just took turns at random.

Eventually, I tired of dashing down countless hallways, still unable to find Geno, so I just skidded to a halt, frowning.  I clutched at my arm, finding comfort in the way that the pressure allowed my brain to do it's thing.

'This prison is huge, there's no way that I would be able to find him.'  I groaned internally, turned, then started trudging back to my cell.  Of course, only I could manage something like this.

'Good.  Job.  Reaper.  Good.  Job.'


I wrote this at three in the morning, so I'm tired.  Dun mind ma sleep deprived self and cliché-ish writing (and weird A/Ns).  Please.

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