Chapter 52

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Geno P.O.V

Error was never the same after that, and never would be. He tried, of course. He had to try, for Gradient, who seemed to be becoming progressively worse as time passed.

But Error couldn't be okay.  Not really.  How could he be, after what had happened?

And it was my fault.

It was all my fault, I could have helped Ink, bandaged him before he lost so much blood. I could have not held him against the wall and cut off his air supply.  I could have done anything differently, and Ink could have been okay.

Ink was dead because of me.  I was the reason for his death.  I murdered him.

It was my fault.


Only a week later, Reaper got a phone call.

We had been laying in our bed together, just breathing in each other's presence, and then his phone rang.

Reaper huffed annoyedly, grabbing his phone temperamentally. His breath hitched suddenly, and he showed me the screen slowly. I just glared at it.

"...Do I answer..?" he asked hesitantly. I didn't respond, but sat up, and he sighed, sitting up as well, then pressing answer, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer. I leant into him immediately, resting my head on his shoulder, gazing at the screen.

'Why can't he just leave us alone..?'

"Heyyyyya Reapy~" Classic purred, grinning wolfishly through the camera.  Lust was lying snuggling into the other's side, a soft smile on his face, his eyes closed peacefully.

It took me a moment to realise that Lust was sleeping.

"And hey babe~ How you doing?~" Classic continued with false politeness, stroking Lust's side absentmindedly, tugging him closer gently.  "It's good to actually see you~"

I gulped, realising that we hadn't put anything over the camera, then shook it off, holding onto Reaper's shirt slightly.

When neither I nor Reaper responded, Classic pouted.

"Rude," Classic muttered, shaking his head in mock disappointment, nuzzling Lust's head gently, drawing the other onto his lap carefully.

When neither of us reacted, Classic sighed, rolling his icy, blue eyes.

"Anyhow, I called because I heard news about Inky~" Classic informed, fluttering his fingers, making me start shaking as Reaper tensed, tugging me closer to himself in a protective, possessive manner.

'How does he know of this..?'

"Thanks for getting rid of him, by the way~ He was quite the nuisance, and the only reason that I was taken into custody in the first place~" Classic smiled. I froze up.

Ink was the one who arrested Classic..? He...

Of course he was the one who did... He was the only one who knew about... He was the only one who cared enough...

Reaper's arms tightened around me, and I leant into him for comfort.

Well, there's one more thing that I owe to a dead man.

I was too shell-shocked to speak, and Classic took my silence for me ignoring him.

"I suppose that I'll be making conversation with myself, then," he murmured annoyedly, sighing.  "No matter."

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