Chapter 60

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Geno P.O.V

When I woke, my head was resting on Reaper's lap, and he was petting my head gently, fiddling with my hair.  I settled into the action, leaning into his touches, purring quietly at the feeling, breathing in the strong, warm scent of baking.

Reaper jumped slightly at my movements, then laughed softly, rubbing my head gently as I nuzzled into his hand.

"You're like a kitten, Gen..." he said quietly, and I felt his soft breath tickle my neck as he pressed a careful kiss to my earlobe, making me shiver.

"Yeah, well I'm a hungry kitten..." I mumbled tiredly, cuddling into him with a small smile and a hushed yawn. "Feeeeed meeee~"

Reaper laughed again, kissing my neck gently as I hummed in agreement with his actions.

"Adorable, too~" he murmured playfully, pressing more careful kisses to my neck. I smiled.

"What's for breakfast, love?~" I asked sweetly, leaning into his touches, tilting my head back slightly so that he had better access.

"Mmmm..." he hesitated, nuzzling me haltingly.

"...I threw it away," Reaper mumbled against my skin, tracing nervous patterns onto my side. I gave him a glance, a slight smile twitching at my lips.  He bit his lip cutely, looking away.

"I kinda... blackened both the bacon and the eggs, and it's all... Very salty," he muttered.  I hesitated, then laughed, pressing my lips to his gently.

"You had one job, Reaps... One job~" I teased, letting my fingertips drift over his side lightly, making him moan quietly into the kiss, a shy smile pulling at his lips.  He drew away from the kiss slowly, nuzzling into my neck.

"Mmmm... Gen, can you make something?  Pleeaaassse?  I'm a disaster in the kitchen, and I don't want to burn everything or give us food poisoning or something equally as stupid," Reaper mumbled embarrassedly, making me laugh.

"Of course, love," I said softly, sitting up, then standing, giggling softly when Reaper followed me, still nuzzling my neck gently.

"You're so cute oh my god," I whispered, wrapping my arm around his waist, pulling him closer.  He smiled against my neck, continuing to nuzzle me as I pulled him into the kitchen.

"Duh~" Reaper teased, kissing my neck gently, before latching onto me and not letting me move.  I groaned jokingly when he didn't let me move to grab foodstuffs, struggling halfheartedly.

"Reaper... Let me gooooooo... I want fooooood-" I whined, not really trying to escape, actually much prefering to stay in Reaper's arms.

"Yeah?~ Well I want you~" he murmured, nipping at my neck lightly, drawing a quiet moan. I didn't really have any response, so I just leaned into him as he teased me, enjoying his attention.

"Can I have you, my angel?~  You're the only snack I want~" he purred out, his voice still light and teasing as his teeth grazed over my neck, making me groan quietly, melting into him, my face warm.

"No," I murmured teasingly, smiling softly, tilting my head to the side so that Reaper had better access to my neck.  "I'm playing hard to get~"

Reaper laughed softly, biting down on my sweet spot gently, making me moan quietly, holding onto his cloak tightly.

"I really want to take you right now," he whispered.  I was going to protest against him topping me, but his hands were trailing down to my ass, and the thought was lost.  My face warmed as I slapped him lightly, then wrapped my arms around his neck loosely, pouting at him. 

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