Chapter 67

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Reaper P.O.V

Geno was awfully shaken for days after that video chat, bursting into tears spontaneously, nightmares, panic attacks... I could tell that he was trying his best to be okay, but... He wasn't okay. He wasn't even close to okay.

"R-Reaper..." he whimpered out, crying shakily, trembling in my arms. "I l-love you, you kn-know that, r-right?"


"I know, my angel... I love you too," I assured gently, kissing his forehead softly, comforting him as he calmed down from his most recent panic attack.  He smiled slightly at my words, nuzzling his face into my chest.

"...I'm s-sorry that I've b-been so f-fragile...  I... If I'm a b-burden, then tell m-me, please... I'll try h-harder to b-be strong... I'll m-make sure that I d-don't b-break down again..." He whimpered out, making my heart hurt.  I shook my head, rubbing the top of his head carefully, making him purr shakily, cuddling into me, still crying.

Sweetheart... Don't bottle everything up, please...

"It's okay, sweetheart... It's okay if you break down.  I want you to be happy, but I don't want you to force away your feelings for me...  I'll hold you for as long as you need, promise," I said softly, kissing his hair gently, smiling sadly as he finally calmed down into me, hiccuping softly.

He's so precious...  Even when he's sad, he's still so beautiful...

"Okay..." Geno whispered, pressing his lips to mine gently, holding the touch for only a few moments, then pulling away.  "Th-anks, R-Reaps..."

"You don't have to thank me, my angel," I murmured, cuddling with him gently. Geno smiled softly, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.

"I want to," he mumbled, pressing another soft kiss to my cheek, his fingertips grazing over my chest lightly, making me shiver. "Thank you for p-putting up with me. Thank you for loving me. Th-Thank you for everything you've ever done for m-me. I love you."

I smiled, my face slightly warm.

"Anytime, sweetheart," I said softly, pulling him into a deep kiss, gripping onto him slightly as he dominated it easily, pinning me down to the bed slowly, exploring my body with gradual, careful touches.

"You're... t-too good to me..." he murmured, slipping his hands under my shirt to rub soft, even circles onto my sides.  I smiled, humming in agreement with his actions, melting beneath him shamelessly.

"Nothing is too good for an a-angel like you~" I purred, stifling a small moan when his fingertips brushed over a certain spot, feeling dizzy and more than slightly lovestruck.

"'re too sweet," Geno mumbled embarrassedly, blushing warmly as he pulled away from my lips, gazing at me lovingly, his eyes glinting with slight happiness.

So beautiful~

"Only for you, my angel~" I whispered, making him smile in a way that just made me melt, my heart thumping in my chest.  Geno's small, endearing grin grew slightly as he pressed a series of small, quick kisses to my cheek, trailing them across my face, soon reaching my smiling lips in a soft, love filled kiss. 

Love was quickly joint with desire, and Geno pressed closer to me, tugging at my lower lip with his teeth, the kiss rough and messy but amazing, every touch addictive.

I loved how possessive he was over me. I loved how much he cared.  I loved how he could make me melt in just a moment's notice.

Geno was smiling as his hands trailed over my body firmly, rubbing over my spine roughly, making me moan, submitting myself to him completely.

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