Chapter 49

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Reaper P.O.V

When Ink disappeared from view, I sighed, raising an eyebrow at Geno, who was fiddling with his thumbs absently, biting down on his lower lip lightly, his gaze fixed on where Ink had been.  I waited a few moments before posing my question.

"Are we following him?" I asked softly, a half-smile tugging at my lips.  Geno turned to me and returned my slight smile, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the exit.

'He's so cute and quirky I love him.'

"We're following him."


We had followed Ink through the forest.

He really was bad at navigating. He had managed to get lost in the first couple of minutes.

Finally, though, Ink led us to a road, where two vehicles were parked.

Geno and I had waited until we saw Ink's car disappear around the first corner, then we dashed to our own vehicle.  Geno went to slide into the driver's seat of our stolen police vehicle, but I stopped him, not really wanting to die.

"I'm driving," I said firmly, pushing Geno out of the way gently and hopping into the car myself.  Geno pouted, but slid into the passenger side instead.

I gazed over at him, noting the way that the cloak he was wearing highlighted his figure perfectly, the black fabric contrasting brilliantly with his ghost-white hair.  It was cinched lightly at the waist, and very low cut, though he - disappointingly - still had his ordinary clothing beneath it.

He wears too many clothes...

I blushed deeply when I realised what I was thinking, but couldn't quite manage to tear my eyes away from him.

Geno glanced across at me, crossing his arms cutely, pouting, a soft pink tinting his cheeks.

"I thought you said that you were driving, not staring at me," he pointed out drily, making me laugh softly.

"Sorry, sweetheart, you're just so hot in that cloak~" I purred, grinning at him as red crept up his face.  Geno huffed, turning away shyly.

"...I'm not hot..." he mumbled, hiding his face in his scarf slightly.

I paused, then leaned across the car slowly to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, then another, then one to his mouth, his jawbone, his neck, earning an adorable, squeaky moan.

"You're beyond hot," I said lowly, trailing soft, slow kisses over his jawline and neck, my hands circling his waist.  "You're so hot, sweetheart, you outshine the sun~"

Geno blushed deeper, mumbling shy words of protest, more soft, squeaky moans escaping his lips.

'So adorable~'

"You're the hot one, Reaps..." he murmured, making my face warm.  "You're so hot, Reaps...  You're something more than sexy~"

My face turned hot, and I smiled shyly against his skin.

"C'mon, beautiful, let me call you what you are for once~" I whined playfully, smiling when Geno's face turned a deeper red. He gave a soft huff, a small smile playing with his lips.

"Fine..." he mumbled. I grinned.

"Thanks, hotstuff~" I purred out, making his blush darken. I smiled wider, stealing a soft, sweet kiss from his lips, pulling away slowly, then stealing another.

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