Chapter 38

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Geno P.O.V

I tilted my head to the side slightly, turning around in Reaper's arms to face him, wrapping my arms around his waist gently, blushing softly as I gazed up at his flushed face.

"So..." I said softly, walking my fingers up his arm, making him shiver slightly, his blush turning a shade darker. "This is mostly new to you?~"

Reaper flushed deeper, looking away and nodding ever so slightly, obviously embarrassed.

'So precious...'

"Is it obvious..?" He asked softly, his blush darkening more by the second. "That I'm... that I'm not... that I haven't...." he trailed off, hiding his face slightly, making me laugh softly at his adorable embarrassment.

"I... really never would have guessed," I mumbled, shaking my head. Reaper smiled almost shyly.

"How so..?" He queried quietly, his face a deep shade of red. I smiled.

"Your kisses.... your touches... all of you movements are literal heaven. You're so addictive, it's.... insane.... you're so amazing, Reaps," I murmured. Reaper pulled me closer, his blush darkening further somehow, his hands moving to drift over my sides, making me shudder.

"These moments?~" he whispered suddenly, his voice hushed and breathy as he pushed me back slowly, pinning me against the kitchen bench, making me gasp quietly.

"Reaps..." I breathed as he ran his hands over my chest lightly and teasingly, making me shiver heavily.

"These touches?~" His fingertips we're digging int my chest gently, making me gasp, then moan quietly, sinking into him. Reaper's hands drifted to my sides, massaging me gently, exploring.

"These kisses?~" His fingers dug into my waist lightly as he pressed his lips to mine gently, holding the kiss for a long while, pulling away, then kissing me again, more passionately this time, nipping at my lower lip, requesting entrance. 

I let him in easily, and he smiled as his tongue slipped into the kiss, carefully massaging the inside of my mouth, his hands moving over my body gently, making me moan softly as I melted into him.

He pulled back, then kissed me again, even more heatedly this time as I dissolved, completely addicted to him at this point, shuddering violently beneath him, barely able to think coherent thoughts.

Reaper pulled away eventually, slicing the string of saliva between us with his tongue, looking sexy as hell as he did so, his dark eyes glinting mischievously, his deep brown hair falling over his pinked face, an adorably cocky smile playing his perfect lips. I gazed up at him shyly, blushing and panting heavily, unable to take how perfect he was.

"Good or no?~" he purred, his hand sliding over my chest, making me shudder, moaning quietly as I went completely limp under his touch, my eyes half lidded.

"B-Better than good~" I murmured, half dazed by the kiss and his practically perfect perfection. Reaper flushed cutely, then laughed softly, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest, his beautiful, glittering eyes still fixed on my ugly ones for whatever reason.

"You're too precious," he said softly, making me smile slightly.

'He's the precious one. You're just a dirty, used toy. Should've been thrown away a long time ago.'

I managed to stay smiling.

"We should get back to making that pasta~" I suggested. Reaper smiled, kissing me gently, pulling away soon after, obviously not sensing anything wrong.

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