Chapter 48

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Geno P.O.V

I shook as I stared, backing away, only to be intercepted by Reaper as he wrapped one arm around me, holding his scythe in the other. Reaper waved the weapon towards the person in the doorway threateningly.

"Ink get you and your police friends the fuck out of here," Reaper spat, glaring.

'They're going to take us into custody.  I won't be able to see Reaper.  I won't be able to hold him. I won't be able to kiss him, to hug him. I won't be able to love him.' My breathing quickened with fear at the thought, my body turning shaky. 'I can't lose him. I need him. I need him.  I need Reaper.'

Ink shook his head, shivering slightly, his head bent, his eyes never once meeting mine or Reaper's.

"My police friends aren't here. I came alone," Ink said softly, looking away, then adding a quiet, "I'm not even part of the police force anymore..."

The words shocked me, and I could only stare mutely.

I looked my former friend up and down, noting how he wasn't in uniform, his pale brown and cream clothes ripped in many places, stained red in some, streaked with mud and dirt.  The weather outside definitely wasn't warm enough for the thin clothing that he was wearing.

"How the fuck did you find us then?" Reaper hissed in response, but Ink only laughed.

It was a sad, broken sound, defeated, as if he had given up on the world. His mismatched eyes were dull, his cheeks pale and streaked with tears, his lips set in a straight line.

It was as if the artist had lost his will to create, his will to inspire.

"It wasn't easy, I'll admit," Ink responded quietly, his eyes fixed carefully on his well-worn sneakers, his expression unchanging as tears ran down his face. "I knew the general area that you were in because I had tracked the stolen police car before I quit, but I can't navigate an organised building, let alone a forest. I ended up falling down a ditch and getting stuck for a couple of days."

"Not that I didn't deserve it," he mumbled, almost to himself.

Ink sighed quietly, shaking slightly, swaying, and I noticed how he was gripping onto the doorframe, his knuckles white and bloodless, seemingly struggling to stay upright.

Reaper fell silent, tense as he stared at Ink, his grip on his scythe wavering slightly.

"...why are you here...?" I asked quietly, taking Reaper's arm in mine gently, making him lower his scythe. Reaper wrapped an arm around my waist carefully, pulling me to his side. Ink sighed, shrinking into himself slightly.

"I.... I-I...." Ink shrunk into himself more, seemingly fearful.  "...I came here t-to ask a question..."

Reaper and I stayed silent, and Ink shivered.

"...I....  I w-wanted t-to..... t-to...." he cut himself off with a choked sob, shaking violently, but I felt no sympathy, just wanting for him to spit it out.  I could feel that Reaper was getting impatient as well.

"...I w-wanted t-to see R-Ruru."


Ink P.O.V

"Ink get you and your police friends the fuck out of here," Reaper spat, glaring at me, waving his scythe towards me threateningly.

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