Chapter 2

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Geno P.O.V

'Congratulations, Geno.  You're falling for a prisoner,' I thought ruefully, fiddling with my shoelace absentmindedly.

My eyes widened when I realized my thoughts, and I froze, dropping the shoelace.

'That...  That can't be right...  right?  I couldn't actually have a crush on-' I frowned, and started fiddling with my shoelace again.

'You can't have a crush on him, he's a prisoner.  A flirtatious, hot, undeniably sexy prisoner, but a prisoner nonethele-ss...'  I groaned internally, my face growing hotter as my mind was flooded with rebellious thoughts.

'I mean, sure, he's hot but - Geno, NO!' I buried my burning face in my hands, but continued the train of thought anyway, trying to redeem myself for my earlier slip up.  'But he's also annoying.  Really annoying.  Infuriating.  Infuriatingly sexy...  NOT AGAIN!'

I heard a soft giggle from beside me, and I tensed, preparing for an onslaught of endless mockery.

"Someone's in loove~" Blue teased, his last word exaggeratedly long.  My head whipped up at breakneck speed, face hot to the point of burning. 

"N-no I'm not," I said defensively, hoping that Blue didn't notice my stutter, and mentally cursing Reaper for having this effect on me.  Blue rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Suure you're not," he said sarcastically, offering his hand.  I took it with a huff, and he pulled me to a stand.  He went to speak again, but I held up a finger, stopping him, already tired of his teasing.

"No.  Quiet," I said curtly.  Blue grinned, and rolled his eyes, but complied anyway, miming buttoning his lips.  I flipped him off, then turned around...  Only to find that everyone in the cafeteria was staring at me.

I jumped in surprise, growing uncomfortable under the many pairs of eyes. The silence lasted for a long while, seconds stretching into minutes, and minutes adding up.  I fixed my gaze to the floor, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

"I'll...  Uh...  Go," I mumbled eventually, burying my face in my scarf to hide my embarrassment, hating the attention.  I edged towards the exit, then whirled around, practically sprinting away, my face burning.

'Well shit,' I thought, frowning inwardly as I skidded round another corner, nearly colliding with a short prisoner that I recognized as Dream, who hissed at me, before turning back around, and continuing on his path to...  Wherever he was going.  I sighed softly, and continued to run.


Reaper P.O.V

My face heated up as soon as I left the cafeteria.  I ran to my cell, skidding around corners so as to reach my destination as fast as possible.  I sighed in relief once I reached my cell.

'Why did I do that?' I thought, sliding down the wall of my cell, face buried in my hands.

Maybe I just felt bad for him...  Nah.'  I dismissed the thought as soon as it was considered, knowing that the feeling was something deeper than sympathy.

'And why do I keep calling him sweetheart?'  I mulled it over for a second, fiddling with a lock of my hair.

'Hate flirting?'  I considered, before shaking my head dismissively.  'Nah, it's not that.  I don't hate him in the slightest.'  My blush grew just a little bit deeper at that thought.  'But why..?'

'Because that's what you do, Reaper, you're a flirt,' I thought, responding to my own silent question, even though I knew that it wasn't the whole truth.

'Probably coz' he's cute,' I thought absentmindedly.  I flushed when I realized my thoughts, but didn't attempt to stop them.

'Yeah, he is really cute.'  My blush deepened even further, but I could only smile slightly, resting my chin on my knees, cherishing the fluttering feeling in my chest.

'What is this feeling?  What do I call it?'  I thought, tracing circles on the back of my hand.

'Why does my heart go all weird when I see him?  It's like it forgets how to function properly for a second,' I placed one hand on my chest, right over where my heart was.  I sighed softly, annoyed for not being able to place the emotion.

'Love, maybe?'  I mused, tilting my head to the side slightly.

Love was foreign to me.  My father had died in a freak accident when I was three, - he had impaled himself on a broken mirror - and I had never known my mother. 

My brother, Grim, who was 19 at the time that our father had died, was assigned the role of my caretaker.  He was a criminal even then, and I was often left home alone, while he was out stealing some valuable item or the other. 

That was until one fateful day, where, when I was fourteen years old, Grim disappeared altogether, leaving me with no family to call my own.  I was thrown out onto the streets, and stealing was essential; food, clothes, weapons, money.  I was alone then, and I stayed alone, moving towns every so often so as to avoid attention from the police, avoid getting chucked in prison, especially seeing as I found a job in killing people.

In the end, though, prison was where I had wound up.

I heard a skid, then soft panting, pulling me out of my thoughts.

My heart did the strange skippy thing when I looked up to see a softly panting, red scarfed guard standing in front of my cell.  I forced down my blush, and made myself give him a cocksure smirk, trying to hide the wave of unfamiliar emotion that had flooded me at seeing his face.

"Heya sweetheart~" I cooed, a faint heat touching at my cheeks.

'Love?  I don't know, maybe?  All that I do know is that now that I have it - whatever it is - I don't ever want to let it go.'  I sighed softly, still smiling up at Geno.  I noticed a small red blush scattered across his cheeks, and my smile grew.

'Ah, well.  Got no better name for it.'  My heart beat slightly faster at the confession, my face growing hotter as I looked into Geno's blue eyes, noting his growing blush.  I smiled contentedly.

'So this is love?  I...  I like it.'



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