Chapter 8

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Reaper P.O.V

I hadn't seen Geno for two days. He was never in his usual spot in the cafeteria, and when I had asked his fellow guards where he was, they had said that he had switched posts, and that I should sit down and finish my 'meal'.

I hadn't sought him out - if he wanted space, then I was okay with that - but I was starting to get worried.

I sighed as I entered my cell. I sat on the edge of my bed, and buried my face in my hands, trying to understand what it was that I had done wrong.

'Maybe I made him uncomfortable, or maybe he doesn't like physical contact..?' I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. 'I don't know, maybe?'

I jolted when I heard someone enter my cell, and looked up hopefully, only to be greeted by the faces of Red and G.

"Heya Reaps," G drawled, smirking. I nodded in response, and stood, leaning against the wall of my cell.

"Hi there, asshole," Red called in greeting, wearing an oddly cheerful expression. I sighed, smiling slightly.

"Hi guys," I returned, tone dejected. G took on a sympathetic look.

"Has he still not shown up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, slouching further. Red smiled brightly - something very out of character for him - and crossed the room. I yelped in surprise when he slung an arm around my neck.

"Aw, cheer up buddy!" Red chided, throwing his free arm up. "'Sides, we have some good news for you!" I raised an eyebrow, and looked to G for confirmation. G nodded, shooting the usually sarcastic, sardonic, and lazy Red a wary glance.

"Yeah..." G murmured, before shaking his head, and snapping out of whatever daze he was in.

"We have an escape route."


Geno P.O.V

I leaned against a wall, rubbing my face tiredly, trying to work up the courage to find and talk to Reaper.

It had been two days since the incident. I had changed posts since then - luckily for me, Ink was fine with it - and patrolled another part of the prison during eating times.

I even went the long way to the exercise yard instead of passing his cell, as his cell was only a couple of meters away from the door.

All to avoid Reaper.

I sighed for the umpteenth time in the last five minutes, and trudged in the direction of his cell.

'I probably overreacted, me and my stupid ways of dealing with things.' I sighed again as I turned a corner.

My ears pricked when I heard a familiar voice drift down the hall.

"-still not shown up?" It was G's voice, and it was coming from Reaper's cell. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, and edged towards the cell, careful not to make myself known.

"Aw, cheer up buddy!" It was Red's voice this time. I frowned slightly at his unusually cheery tone, but soon turned my attention back to what he was saying.

"'Sides, we have some good news for you!" Red continued. A long pause.

'Good news? What news could that be?'

"Yeah..." G murmured, the sound of his voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

"We have an escape route."

My eyes widened, and I stifled a gasp, leaning closer to hear more of what they were saying. There was a long pause before anything else was said.

"Oh yeah?" It was Reaper's voice. I silenced the call in my soul that came forth at something as simple as his voice. I frowned deeply.

"Yep," Red confirmed, still with the perkiness in his voice. There was a slight pause, then;

"Then why are we still here? Let's get our asses out of this dump!" Reaper enthused. I could hear the smirk in his voice, the genuine excitement to get out.

It sent an unexpected pang of hurt resounding throughout my body.

"Really? We thought that you'd have wanted to talk to that cop of yours..?" Came G's questioning voice. There was a slight pause.

"No," Reaper answered simply, probably through gritted teeth. A knife of hurt lodged itself in my heart, and I frowned, trying to still my stupid feelings. I tried to quiet the awfully loud thump in my chest, but it only beat louder in response. I clutched at my scarf, frowning at myself.

There was a long silence, then Red spoke up, unsureness lacing his tone instead of the strange enthusiasm.

"You're... You sure, mate? I mean, th-"

"I'm sure. I don't want to see him." Reaper's cold tone sent more knives through my soul, and I clawed at my scarf, barely containing my tears. I stumbled away from the cell, head whirling.

'He really does hate me, doesn't he?'


'Why do I care so much? Why do I care about him not wanting to talk to me? Why... Why is life so hard? Why is it so hard to do what you want to do? To say what you want to say?' I sighed.

'Why didn't I just stick to my motto?' I asked myself, managing to right my stance enough so that I wasn't just about to fall over. 'If I had just done what I've told myself so many times, my heart wouldn't feel as if it's been torn out.'

'Push everyone away, you can deal with it yourself. Don't ask for help, don't show any weakness. Don't get attached to anyone, and don't fall in love, it only ends with pain. Learn from your past mistakes, and don't make the same one twice.'

I thrust my hands into my pockets, frowning when I felt more tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I blinked them away before they could fall.

'I broke almost every single damn boundary. Should've stuck to them, then I wouldn't be in this mess.' I paused.

'What mess? Which mess?' I asked myself. I hesitated before smiling bitterly, and bowing my head to hide my dark expression.

'The enormous, completely unnecessary mess of hurt and lies named LOVE.'


Hey guys, I'm going on a camp for five days (starting tomorrow), so I won't be able to update.

I'll try to squeeze in one more chapter before I go, but don't count on it. I'll try to make up for the lost days after the camp ^.^

Baiiii X3

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