Chapter 46

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Geno P.O.V

I sighed quietly when Reaper wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me closer to his side, making me relax into him immediately, any contact of his skin against mine making me completely unable to fight, completely unable to resist him, even if I were to want to.

There was a long while of silence as we held each other, cuddled close together on the soft, grey couch.

"Reaps, we shou-"

"I'm s-sorry," he whispered suddenly, cutting me off, burying his face in my shoulder. I could feel his shakiness, the smallest tremors that ran through his body.

"...What for, Reaps?" I asked softly, tightening my arms around his waist, pulling him closer carefully.

"F-for being s-such an idiot, f-for accepting a job from C-Classic, of a-all people," he choked out, shaking slightly more in my arms.  "I'm s-so stupid...."

I frowned, then took his face in my hands carefully, gently tilting his chin up so that his eyes met mine.

"You're not stupid, Reaps...." I murmured, pressing my lips to his forehead in a soft kiss.  "You could never have known that it was him."

Reaper sighed softly, leaning into me, not saying anything in response.

"Do you wanna go lie down...?" I asked hesitantly, gazing at Reaper worriedly.  He hesitated, then nodded, smiling shakily, standing up slowly, then taking my hand in his, pulling me up so that I was standing as well, holding me so that I was pressed flush against his side, never once losing contact with him.

His arm around my shoulders was unnecessarily firm, and he was shaking slightly as he led me forward gently.

It was as if he was scared that I would leave.

We walked into the bedroom together and collapsed onto our bed, Reaper holding me closely, petting the back of my head softly, his hand trembling slightly, his face buried in my hair, the only noises being our soft breathing.

I began to match my breaths with his, wanting to be as close to him as I could in any possible way. 

I could feel his lips turn upwards against my forehead in a soft, shaky smile, his arms tightening around me.

"G-God, I love you so much, sweetheart..." he whispered, his body curling into mine

"I love you too...  I love you so, so much, Reaps...  and I'll love you no matter what, know that, okay..?" I murmured in response, sinking into him completely, stroking his back gently in an attempt to comfort him.

He he shook his head as his body started trembling, and he clung onto me tightly, sobbing quietly.

"I'm sorry...  I'm so sorry...  I'm so fucking useless..." he whimpered out brokenly, shaking violently as he sobbed, shattering more by the moment. 

".. Reaps, no...  you're not useless, Reaper, and I love you, okay?  I love you, and I forgive you.  I...  I f-forgave you, okay?" I whispered, nuzzling him gently.  "Reaps...  Reaps, please, don't call yourself useless..."

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