Chapter 27

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Geno P.O.V

"I was only thinking of how much I love you, too."

I said it without thinking, the - undeniably truthful - words falling from my mouth.  When I realised what I had said, I froze up, the heat draining from my face rapidly.

Reaper's eyes widened slightly, and he stared at me in complete shock, his hands trembling

"I.... y-you do?" He breathed, his voice hesitant, shocked, tears glimmering in his eyes.  As if he didn't believe that I could possibly love him.

'He doesn't think that I could love him...' I thought dully, feeling sudden guilt for not confessing aloud sooner.  'He deserves better than someone who makes him feel that way.  I really am stupid, aren't I?'

I could only nod very slightly in response to Reaper's question, looking down at my feet, guilty and ashamed.

Reaper stared at me in complete shock for a few moments longer, then gently lifted my face so that our eyes met.

"I love you, Geno," he breathed, his expression showing his hesitance, his eyes gazing into mine.

He was baring his heart to me.  He was baring his heart to me and I could do anything with it. 

If I wanted to, I could push him away right here, end this love completely, before it went too far - even though it had already crossed so many lines already.  I could end it all right here, and I wouldn't have to get caught up in Love's mess again.  I could end everything.

Of course, I could never end it.  Reaper was my love, I wasn't letting him go so easily.

"I love you too, Reaps," I whispered shakily, hoping that my voice wasn't as broken as I felt.  "I love you so much.  I love you more than words could ever express, I love you more than all the stars in the sky.  I love you more than anything, and I'll be fucking damned if I ever let you go.  You're everything to me, Reaps, and I love you."

I averted my eyes after I had finished. The few measly sentences weren't nearly enough yo describe the raging feeling inside of me. Tears slipped down my cheeks as he stared at me in shock.

Then, Reaper's fingertips brushed my waist, his arms wrapped around me, drawing me closer.  I turned my gaze back to him, unconsciously resting my hands against his chest, my eyes wide, my heart doing flips in my chest like the fucked up organ that it was.

We didn't need any more words as his arms suddenly tightened around me, and he pressed his lips to mine forcefully, me kissing back immediately, my eyes fluttering shut, my face warming rapidly, our lips moving together passionately.

Reaper bit down on my lower lip gently and a soft moan escaped me.  He slipped his tongue into my mouth immediately, exploring, making my heart beat quicken, feeling almost dizzy as I pushed my tongue back against his in some weak form of resistance, gripping onto his shirt tightly, keeping him close.

Reaper's fingertips dug into the flesh my waist slightly as he tightened his grip on me further, seemingly scared of letting me go as the kiss heated up, both of us pouring our love and passion into the kiss.

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