Chapter 26

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Geno P.O.V

'We're actually doing this.'

My smile broadened as I led Reaper through the prison, my heart fluttering with excitement. I was almost sure that I looked insane, but who the fuck gives.

'I'm finally getting out.'

'I'm finally getting away from everything.'

'I'm finally going to be free.'

I glanced back at Reaper, and my smile dropped, the slow, warm buildup of happiness vanishing.


His face was written over with unsureness and doubt, reluctance glazing his dark eyes as he gazed into space, his hold on my hand loose.

I halted my advancements forward immediately, turning around to face him head on, my body slumping with regret and guilt, realisation striking through me.

'He doesn't actually want this, does he..?  He doesn't want to leave.'

I sighed quietly.

'Of course he doesn't want this... he's doing it for me... I'll never deserve to have him, someone so kind and selfless... he deserves so much better than the worthless scum that I am...'

I sighed again, reaching out to take Reaper's other hand in mine, feeling guilt crush me further.

"Reaps..?" I whispered, unsure of where the nickname had come from, but not really caring at this point. His gaze snapped back into focus, and he blushed lightly, giving me a small smile, lacing our fingers together, gently running his thumb over the back of one of my hands.

"Yea, sweetheart?" He responded softly, his voice so gentle and sweet that it would have normally made me blush, but as it was, I only sighed again, looking down, knowing now that this was just an act: an act to make me happy: an act that he put up... for me.

'He shouldn't be doing anything for me... I'm nothing special. I'm not worthy of his kindness, of him...'

"I'm.... sorry. You don't have to go along with this, not if you're still unsure," I said quietly, my eyes glued firmly to the ground, thoughts of how selfish I was being swirling around my mind.

There were a few moments of silence between us, then I yelped in surprise when a hand grasped my chin, forcing my gaze to Reaper's eyes, my face heating to dangerous levels.

"What do I have to do to let you know that I want- need this, just as much as you do?" He asked quietly, looking into my eyes with a gaze so searching and intense that I felt as if I could dissolve into dust and fly away with the wind.

I was stuck staring at him while he spoke again.

"Geno, I want out of here.  Not as much as you do, granted, but I do want out.  And if you also want to get away, then that makes me want to do so all the more. I love you, sweetheart, I love you so much.  I want for you to be happy, more than anything.  So if there's anything I can do to make you happy, I'll do it in an instant. Anything.  Know this, okay..?"

"Anything..?" I repeated, my voice hushed, almost awed as I stared up at him.

"Anything," he confirmed readily, his expression alone telling me that he wasn't joking, that he would never joke about something like that.

And I believed it.

"I-I-" My useless stuttering was cut off when soft, warm lips met mine in a kiss so careful, loving and gentle that I wanted to cry.

He moved closer to me in a way that made my heart jump, my mind a dizzying swirl, my blood alight with burning fire, his lips gently moving with mine, interlocking, as if made for each other, as if this was what my life had been leading up to. His movements were so entirely full of love, it was as if he was radiating it, his hands cupping my face with such great care, as if I was made of the most fragile glass, broken at the slightest wrong move.

It was when Reaper pulled away and his thumb tenderly brushed across my cheek did I realise that I actually was crying, nearly sobbing, even, my body shaking.

His thumb lightly massaged my face, and I leant into his touch instinctively, gazing up at him with what I was sure was a lovesick expression, my heart stalling in my chest for a split second as I melted into him.

His hand was so warm, his embrace so safe, his mere presence reassuring to me. It would be more than a battle to resist him, and it would be impossible to even gather the will to fight his gentle comfort, as if I would ever want to.

I exhaled quietly as I gazed up at him, stepping slightly closer to him, my hands moving to grip the fabric of his shirt, pulling him towards me, the subconscious part of my mind needing him closer, needing any physical contact he could give.

Because I loved him. He was my air, my water, my everything.  His love and touch was all that I needed.

Reaper gave a small, almost sad smile as he wrapped his arms around me securely, holding me close to his chest in an almost possessive manner. I shivered slightly, only leaning more into him, going almost completely limp in his embrace.

I'm his... I belong to him... my heart belongs to him.

'Cliche, but who the fuck cares,' a small voice in the back of my head whispered,

Reaper held me closer in response to my limpness, taking the full weight of my body as I surrendered myself to him, completely unable and unwilling to keep my walls intact, the walls that never let anyone in, never let any emotion out.

"Sweetheart..." he murmured, slight surprise tinging his tone, holding me as I relaxed into him absolutely, anything that was guarding my heart or feelings vanishing.

"Yea, Reaps?" I responded softly, my voice small and submissive, stripped bare of anything guarding my feelings.

Reaper seemed startled for a few moments, but soon got over whatever was surprising him.

"I... are you okay..?" He whispered, his voice full of care and worry as he pulled me flush against him, his arms feeling safe and secure around me.  "You seem... I dunno how to describe it.... off, I guess..."

I only cuddled into him, burying my face in the harsh fabric of his prison jumpsuit.

"I'm fine..." I said quietly, my voice a mere whisper, so small, reflecting my feelings at that moment to an absolute. 

"I was only thinking of how much I love you, too."


Aaaaand we finally get a proper confession from Geno xd-

And I'm so very sorry for taking so long, again ;-;

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