Chapter 6

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Geno P.O.V

I trudged into the boss' office, smiling nervously. I looked around the office, the walls of which were strewn with drawings, paintings, and sketches. It looked more like the office of an artist rather than the office of the chief of police.

The chief of police was a guy in his mid twenties named Ink. He had mismatched eyes, one a piercing blue, and the other an unusual gold. His hair was a longish darkish brown that was a frosted white at the tips. He often sported splatters of paint and ink on his clothes and pale skin. We were actually quite good friends.

Ink sighed, tapping his fingers on his desk impatiently.

"Sit," he said, gesturing to a chair. I cringed internally as I sat, fiddling with my scarf. Ink sighed again, rubbing his forehead with his right hand.

"Geno, as I know you are aware, a prisoner has been knocked out twice, once by another prisoner, and once by your own hand. Care to explain?" Ink deadpanned, getting right to the point. I winced. He was always so straightforward.

"Well..." I began, taking a deep breath before continuing. I explained how Lust was harassing me, how Reaper had punched Lust, promptly knocking him out, how Lust had brought a meat cleaver into the cafeteria, and how I had had to knock him out a second time.

When I mentioned Reaper punching Lust because Lust was harassing me, Ink raised an eyebrow, but waited for me to finish before saying something about it.

"This Reaper..." Ink implored. My face grew slightly hotter at Reaper's name. "Is there anything going on between you two that I should know about?"

"Well- ah- um-" I stuttered, cheeks turning red. "I didn't- I don't- I-" Ink cut me off with a hand gesture.

"Okay, okay, I think that that's enough for now," Ink concluded, a small grin making it's way onto his face. "You can go~" I stood, slightly unnerved. I turned around, going to walk out to the door, but Ink stopped me.

"But~" he added. I turned back around to face him, wincing in anticipation.

"You and I are going to have a little chat - after work of course - and you are going to tell me everything~" I flushed brightly.

"Don't you dare start. I've had enough shit from Blue without you getting involved too," I warned. Ink only laughed, eyes dancing.

"No promises~" he taunted, fluttering his fingers. I rolled my eyes, face burning as I stalked out of the room.


~Time Skip~

I sighed as I walked into the cafe.  The remainder of the day had been uneventful, and I hadn't encountered Reaper or Lust, nor had I sought them out.  Ink, though, had made true on his promise to have a chat with me, and had arranged a 'meeting' in a small cafe not too far from the prison.

Ink was waiting for me at a window seat when I walked in, and he waved me over, a massive grin on his face, and a - most likely overly sweet - cup of hot chocolate in his hand.  I rolled my eyes, and joined him at his seat.

"Hi there Geno!  Fancy seeing you here!"  Ink drawled.  I rolled my eyes again.

"Heya Ink," I greeted.  Ink smiled in response, and took a sip from his cup, before beginning the question asking process.

"Sooo..."  Ink prompted.  I raised an eyebrow.

"Sooo..."  I repeated, even though I knew what he wanted me to say.  He huffed.

"You. Your bae. Talk," Ink demanded agitatedly, gesturing for me to go on.  I sighed.

"Nothing's going on, Ink, I don't even know why you called me here, but I'm going to make the most of it, and order some ketchup."  With that, I flounced off to the counter, leaving Ink's annoyed face behind me.

I returned holding a bottle of ketchup.  The teen behind the counter had been stupefied when I had asked for the condiment, but had handed it over - at a stupidly high price.

Ink screwed up his nose when I discarded the lid of the bottle, and took a sip.

"How do you drink that?"  He asked, looking slightly sickened.  I only smiled mysteriously, and shook my head, taking another sip from the bottle. Ink stared at me in disgust, then snapped out of his trance.

"Okay, spill," Ink deadpanned, looking me straight in the eyes.  I averted my gaze, face growing hotter.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I claimed.

"C'mon, Geno!"  Ink whined.  I sighed.

"There's nothing to spill," I stated.  Ink frowned, downing the last of his hot chocolate.

"I will get this out of you," Ink promised, face set with determination, before beginning a bombardment of questions.  "What's he like?  Personality? Your type?  Do you think he's hot?  Have you kissed yet?  Is he a flirt?  What is he in for?  Smash or pass?  Has he-"

I flushed brightly, hold up a hand to stop the flow of questions, silently resigned, before answering them all.

"He's annoying, and cocky as hell.  No discernible personality. No.  Definitely no.  No, and we're not going to, ever.  Like you wouldn't believe, and it's beyond aggravating.  I would not have a clue, nor would I care to.  And no.  Definitely no," I listed.  Ink looked slightly disappointed.

"Aw, really?  Shame, you two looked really cute together." Ink muttered the last bit, then sighed, biting his lip.  "I guess it's for the best, though, he is a convicted criminal, and so, as the chief of police, and your friend, I would not have been able to allow you to see each other.  Aw, shucks."

I sighed again, gazing out of the window, ignoring Ink's lament, while re-answering all of the questions in my head, truthfully this time.

'He's sweet. He's confident, self assured, likable, everything that I'm not. Yes.  Yes again.  No, and we aren't going to because he wouldn't actually like me in that way, I can only dream.  Yes, and it's kind of cute.  Multiple counts of murder.'

I flushed furiously as I answered the last question.




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