Chapter 69

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Geno P.O.V

Happily ever after.

The end.

The end.

I wish.

But no, that's not what happens.

Ha. You can't really believe that that was the end, can you?

Not quite.  That's not how it happens.

I wish that I could say it was. I wish I could say that our story ended there, ended happily, but...


Life just had to screw us over.


The next few months were bliss.

The next few years, even.

They were spent mostly together, sparing the time that Reaper worked, but even then, I was okay. I didn't hurt myself. Reaper had helped me to properly stop. He'd had me tell him whenever I felt like doing it, and when I did, he could always chase away the bad thoughts. He really was perfect. He'd helped me, so much. I didn't often feel the urge to cut, but when I did, Reaper was always there.

Two years clean.

Even when he was away, I was okay. Stable. I still wore his old clothes, and I still missed him more than anything, but I was okay. I would wait for him, as long as it took, and when he'd come home we would kiss messily and he would pull me into our bedroom, either to sleep or do something more.

Because he always came home.

Reaper teased me sometimes, saying that I was his little housewife, always staying home, waiting for him patiently. He'd once mumbled something about a maid's dress that he just happened to have, that just happened to be my exact fit, and that I ended up wearing, due to my lack of ability to say no to Reaper.

I wore the same dress on several other occasions as well, not that I minded.

I honestly kinda liked dresses. They were nice to wear, especially when Reaper chose them, and... I loved being the center of his attention, even more so than usual. I loved all of the extra, gentle compliments, the way his gaze swept over me, the way he always made sure that I was comfortable...

I loved pinning him to a wall while wearing a cute dress with hair ribbons, because why the fuck not?

Once I'd even tried experimenting with makeup, but I don't believe Reaper liked it.

He had looked at me, confused when I had emerged from the bathroom one morning, wearing a t-shirt, jeans and minimal foundation with soft pink, strawberry-flavoured lipgloss.

"Your freckles are gone..." he had mumbled, seeming slightly disappointed. I'd almost laughed, kissing him gently, then pulling away.

"Mhm... Don't ya' like it, love?" I'd asked in a murmur, biting my lip to keep from giggling when he'd licked his lips, his eyes lighting up slightly at the taste of the lipgloss.

It was adorable. He was such a child.

"I... Mmmm... Honestly, it's kinda weird... You look stunning, as always, but... I... Prefer to see your actual skin instead of some plastic-y product..." he had admitted, kissing me again. "But you look beautiful either way, my angel~ You always do~"

I'd laughed softly, smiling.

"And the lipgloss..?"

"Mmmm... Tastes nice..." he murmured, kissing me again and again, his eyes bright and full of love.

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