Chapter 1

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~One week time skip~

Geno P.O.V

I sighed as I trudged into work, bleary eyed, and sleep deprived. The effects of the week's... happenings had taken their toll on me. My gaze was glued to the ground as walked down the long halls, ignoring the usual hollering.

'That asshole...' I thought, scowling as I thought of certain infuriatingly obnoxious prisoner who had been flirting with me non stop each time we came into contact with each other, and had succeeded in making me a blushing mess each and every time that he did so.  'What the hell has he done to me?' I was still deep in thought when I reached the cafetaria, but I stopped to stand at my post. I sighed, and slumped against a wall.

'What's wrong with me?' I sighed again, and closed my eyes.  I was silent for a long while, thinking intensely, but jumped when I felt someone's hot breath on my neck.

"Heya hot stuff~" a voice breathed in my ear, making me shiver slightly. I froze when I felt a hand brush my waist, then another skimming my arm.



Reaper P.O.V

I dumped myself on a seat, next to my newfound friends, G - an intimidatingly tall, and dark guy whom I had met when I found him smoking in a secluded corner - and his friend, Red, - a dark haired guy with piercings, a gold tooth, and an edgy attitude.

"Sup' bitches," I greeted, smirking, and slamming my tray onto the table. G rolled his eyes at me nonchalantly, while Red scowled. I grinned in response, kicking up my feet.

"You're infuriating, you know that?" Red said irritably. I threw him a lopsided smirk,

"Aww, you know you love me," I said, winking. Red only rolled his eyes, and went back to picking at his 'food' - if it could be called that, the grayish slop was barely edible.

As if in correspondence to my thoughts, Red dumped his tray in the trash can that was beside him. I chuckled, and my plate followed, G's chasing it.

"I need out of this hell hole," Red growled, glaring after his food.

"Ah, but you don't really, do you?" I said teasingly, sharing a smirk with G.  G's eye glinted evilly, while Red's face turned a slight red.

"Ah, yes," G said, "You have something keeping you here, don't you?"

"Or rather, someone~" we sung together.  Red flushed brightly, and buried his face in his arms, but not before his gaze found Blue, an young, and energetic guard with fair hair, and electric blue eyes.  G and I both grinned knowingly, and looked over at Blue, who's face was smothered in a heavy blush.  We smirked at him, and he flipped us off, before turning to face his fellow guard.

I smirked when I saw his companion, Geno, but he wasn't looking in my direction.  Instead, he was frozen, with a light haired prisoner standing at his side.  The prisoner was pressed up against him, one hand on Geno's waist, the other on his arm.

Anger flared inside of me unexpectedly, and I found myself stalking towards the light haired prisoner, hands balled into fists.  I tapped their shoulder, and the prisoner looked to me. They looked me up and down critically, gaze resting on my crotch, then smiled lustfully.

"Well~" he purred, looking to my face. "Who might you be?~" I scowled at him, and he only smirked in response.

"Y'know, those are some pretty nice clothes you have there~" He winked. I was already anticipating his next line.  "I bet that they'd look even better on the floor of my ce-" He was cut off when my fist connected with his face.


Geno P.O.V

"Heya hot stuff~" a voice purred.

I looked up to see Lust.  I knew him well, and that was definitely not a good thing. He was one of the prisoners who was always harassing me, always flirting, trying to corner me, and...  other such things. I knew that he was in for multiple counts of rape, which really wasn't much of a surprise.

Lust was standing beside me, and his hand was resting on my waist, his other hand on my arm.  His face was inches away from mine, and his body was pressed up against me, pinning me to the wall. I froze out of fear, even though we were in public, and if he were to try something serious, one of the other guards would stop him. I silently cursed myself for not paying proper attention to my surroundings, and for letting Reaper's sexy face distract me.

"How about we go back to my cell, and have some fun~" Tears pricked at my eye sockets, fear flashing through my head as he stroked my arm. Luckily, I was saved from having to answer when Lust turned around to face-

'Holy shit, Reaper?!' My face erupted into heat, and I stared at him, silently thankful that he had come along.

"Well~" Lust purred after a short pause. My stomach turned at his lustful tone. "Who might you be?~" I saw Reaper scowl at him, his fists tightening. When he didn't answer, Lust continued.

"Y'know, those are some pretty nice clothes you have there~" Lust flirted, "I bet that they'd look even better on the floor of my-" He was cut off when Reaper's fist connected with his face.  My eyes widened, and I stared at him in awe.

There was a dull thud when Lust hit the ground, but Reaper only grinned sadistically, eyes cold, and steely.

"We're wearing the same thing, jackass," he quipped, uncaring that Lust was already unconscious. I flushed when he looked up at me, and his expression softened considerably.

"You okay there, sweetheart?" Reaper asked gently, his hand resting on my arm. My face grew hotter, and I could only nod, hiding my face in my scarf. He gave a soft chuckle, then glanced over his shoulder. He turned back to me, frowning slightly, and I looked to see the commotion behind him.

"I'd better go~" Reaper said, smirking at my flustered expression. "I'll see ya' 'round, sweetheart." He then ran off, leaving me with a startled Blue.

"Sweetheart?" Blue questioned after a short while, eyes shining. I groaned, and slid down the wall, burying my face in my arms.

"Shut it," I mumbled. Blue laughed, and I flipped him off, my face burning.

'Congratulations, Geno. You're falling for a prisoner,' I thought ruefully.


I had too much fun writing this X3

Lemme know what y'all think of this so far ;3

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