Chapter 29

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Geno P.O.V

I couldn't help but to grin as the sight of the prison that I had spent damn near half my life working at receded into the distance, even when there were so many sirens wailing.

I turned onto a side road, putting on as much gas as the car wold allow, swerving to avoid passing traffic, only realising that I was on the wrong side of the road when Reaper informed me.

"Oh.  Whoopsies," I muttered, skidding onto the correct side of the road, switching into the next gear, tearing down the road faster.

" did you even get your license..?" Reaper asked, almost confusedly.  I flushed,turning to take another side road, scraping across several somethings.

"Oh, um....  I don't have one," I muttered, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to calm my nerves, my mind a jittery mess.

Reaper raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips twitching upwards as we stared at each other, my heart beat quickening slightly.

I had to remind myself to watch the road before we crashed, tearing my gaze away from Reaper's overly hot face, cuing a soft laugh from him.

"What do you mean you don't have one..?" He queried amusedly, a small smile in his voice.  I flushed deeper.

"I mean I never passed the test.  Well, I passed the written one....once..... but the one where you actually drive?  I think I set a record for 'fastest time in which all of the cones were either knocked over or destroyed'."

"All of them?" Reaper said inquisitively.  I nodded, my face burning.  He seemed impressed, for some bizarre reason.  "That's.... quite the feat.  Hang on, what was your time?"

"Uh.... 15 seconds?  Roughly?  I kept forgetting which pedal was which..."

Reaper laughed softly, leaning over to kiss my cheek gently, only making me blush more.

"That's actually impressive.  Did you run over any small children while you were at it?" He teased.  I laughed uneasily, my face burning hotter, and Reaper gave me a strange look.

"It wasn't my fault!" I exclaimed, the words tumbling from my mouth, "I mean, there was a child running round in the general area and I put my foot down on the brake but it was actually the accelerator and I shot forward and gave this little kid a concussion and a trip to hospital and I felt super guilty."

Reaper stared at me for a while, then started fucking giggling, his gaze turning to the road, a soft spray of pink across his cheekbones, looking unbelievably adorable in the orange light of the setting sun.

"Fuck, he's cute," I muttered absentmindedly, not realising what I was saying until I had said it.  Reaper's face flushed a deep red, and he whipped his head around to stare at me, making my face heat up as well.

"What?" I snapped, staring down the road, flushing deeply.  "Am I not allowed to compliment my boyfriend?  Is that it?  Because you are cute, and that giggle was adorable and- Fuck- U-um- Y-you're overreacting.  Idiot."

Once I was finished with my fumble of words, I flushed darker, half hiding my face in my scarf, though keeping my eyes trained on the road ahead, not wanting to crash a vehicle for the fourth time in my lifetime.

'I'll shut up now.'

I felt Reaper's stare for a while longer, then he smiled softly.  He reached across to take my face in his hands, turning my head to face him, caressing my cheeks gently, leaning over to meet my lips with his.  My eyes fluttered closed, and I kissed back softly, moving my lips against his gently, my cheeks burning.

He smiled against my lips, and I pulled away, turning my focus mostly back to driving, as I skidded around so that I was parked on the side of the road, then switched the vehicle off, turning back to Reaper, my face burning. 

He smiled slyly, taking his seatbelt off, leaning across the space between us and kissing me passionately, his fingertips tracing my body gently.  I kissed back immediately, my hands coming up to cradle his face, my heart fluttering in my chest.

Reaper's hands moved to make the seats lie back, then he pulled me onto the backseat with him using the ease of someone who had done so many times before.  His fingertips dug into the skin of my back gently as he drew me onto his lap, slipping his tongue into the kiss, exploring my mouth in a careful, gentle manner.

His fingers moved to explore my body, massaging my soft spots gently, making me moan quietly, moving my hands to grip at the front of his shirt, tugging at it slightly to bring him closer, wanting as much of his touch as I could get.

I melted as his touches slowly turned possessive, all of his actions saying that he owned me, that I was his and no one else's.

And I loved it.

Reaper smiled slightly into the kiss, pinning me to the seat gently, his fingers working loose all of the knots in my muscles as he heated up the kiss, roughening it slightly, making me moan as his touches turned slightly rough as well.

I shivered slightly when he pulled away from my mouth, moaning softly as his hands travelled over my body, rubbing my chest, unknowingly grazing across my scar, making me tremble, moaning louder.

Reaper gently pressed a kiss to the side of my lips, trailing slow, open-mouthed kisses down to my neck, resting his mouth there, his face buried in the crook of my neck, his hands ceasing their actions.

"Gods...  I love you so fucking much, sweetheart, you have no idea," he whispered against my skin, making me shiver slightly.

"I love you too, Reaps," I whispered back, wrapping my arms around him carefully, holding him close, closing my eyes relaxedly as we lay there, our legs tangled together, his face buried in my neck, both of our breaths evening out as we drifted into a peaceful sleep.



This was cute to write hghghhghgg-

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