Chapter 32

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Reaper P.O.V

I blushed furiously as I drove, shivers still running over my spine at the mere thought of Geno's touch.

I was addicted to him, and unhealthily so.

I stole a glance at him, my face heating up when I saw that he was watching me.  My heart stalled in my chest when Geno reached across the car to take my hand in his, raising my hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to my knuckles, maintaining eye contact throughout, a small smile teasing across his features.


I could only stare at him, my face burning with blush.

He squeaked suddenly, his eyes going wide.

"Reaper, watch the fucking road!" he exclaimed. I jumped, swerving to avoid the tree that I was about to crash into.

"And you think my driving is bad," Geno huffed teasingly, crossing his arms over his chest. I flushed deeply.

"You're the one distracting me~" I reminded, the heat in my face only growing. Geno giggled softly, leaning into my side slightly, giving a small, timid grin.

"Sorry~ Forgive me?~" he asked softly, gazing up at me, wrapping one of his arms around my torso, his sparkling eyes wide, making him look extremely cute.

"...fine," I muttered, shaking my head and smiling softly, unable to take how adorable he was.  Geno grinned up at me, snuggling into my side happily. I noticed that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and rolled my eyes, wrapping one of my arms around his shoulders, holding him closer protectively so that he was practically sitting on my lap as I drove, his legs draped over the gearstick dangerously.

"I love you, Reaps," Geno whispered, lightly running his fingers over my arm.  "I love you so much..."

I smiled slightly, pressing a soft kiss to Geno's forehead, then turning my eyes back to the road ahead.

"I love you too, sweetheart... so, so much," I murmured, rubbing his arm gently, making him purr quietly, leaning into me more.

'He's too adorable...' I thought fondly, tightening my arm around him protectively, keeping him as close as I possibly could, enjoying how perfectly his body fit against mine.

I sighed contentedly, continuing to drive in a comfortable silence until I saw a slash mark on a tree, shaped like a scythe.


I parked at the side of the road, turning the car off swiftly.

"I'll be right back," I said softly, kissing Geno gently, pulling away soon after and hopping out of the car.


Geno P.O.V

I sighed quietly when Reaper disappeared into a bunch of trees, curling into myself slightly, already missing his warmth, already longing to be by his side again, to hold him again, to have him to hold me, to kiss him, even just to look at him.

'I'm so fucking clingy...'

I sighed again, burying my head in my arms, gripping onto myself slightly.

'Why does he even love me?  I'm so clingy, surely I must annoy him...  of course I annoy him, I annoy everyone.'

I let my eyes slide shut, pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, gripping onto my arms tightly, my fingers digging into my flesh, digging into my scars. I didn't even notice any pain as I distanced myself from the world, trying to escape my thoughts.

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