Chapter 35

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Geno P.O.V

I relaxed into Reaper's arms as we exchanged gentle kisses under the cool shade of a tree.  His arms were wrapped around me securely, holding me flush against him, his hands trailing over my body, making me moan softly into the kiss as he re-explored each curve and crevice.

Reaper soon had me pinned to the soft grass beneath us as he kissed me passionately, his hands trailing over my sides gently, drawing soft moans from me.

Reaper pulled away from the kiss eventually, his arms at either side of my head as he gazed down at me, blushing lightly, love shining in his eyes.

"I love you so much, sweetheart~" he intoned, smiling in a soft, almost shy manner. My face grew warm as I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him down so that he was lying on his side beside me.

"I love too, Reaps~" I murmured, holding him close protectively, toying with his spine gently. Reaper moaned quietly, melting into me immediately.

"A-ah~ Geno~" he breathed out, shuddering as I rubbed careful circles onto the sensitive parts of his spine. I flushed softly, smiling slightly, pressing my lips to his forehead gently.

"Sorry, Reaps, you're just so sexy in black~" I flirted, my face heating up at my own words. Reaper's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, and he buried his face in my chest.

"You're the sexy one, sweetheart~" he mumbled, his words half muffled by my shirt, making my face heat up more.

" up," I muttered, nuzzling the top of his head gently, half smiling. Reaper hummed quietly, leaning into me more.

"Hm. Nah~ You're too cute flustered~" he said softly, smiling a crooked half smile as he moved his head so that his sparkling eyes met mine. The heat in my face increased.

'Fuck. He's too hot.'

I sighed in mock agitation, a slight smile tugging at my lips.

"Not as cute as you are~" I said softly, gently pressing my lips to the tip of Reaper's nose, making him blush darkly.  I couldn't help but to giggle softly at the sudden colour, pulling him into a soft, slow kiss.

"I love you so much, Reaps~" I murmured against his lips, my hands resting against the small of his back.  I felt his small, shy smile as he kissed back lovingly, holding onto the front of my shirt lightly.

"I love you too, sweetheart~" he mumbled, opening his mouth for entrance when I nipped at his bottom lip.  I slipped my tongue between his lips, exploring his mouth gently as he hummed contentedly into the kiss, his body completely relaxed.

"Gods, your so perfect~" I murmured into our kiss, flipping us over so that I was pinning him to the ground, my hands drifting over his sides, stroking him firmly as he gave the most adorable soft, mewling moans, shivering slightly under my touch.

"I'm n-not perfect," he intoned, gripping onto my shirt tightly. I pulled away from the kiss slowly, gazing down at him. He looked so adorable and submissive, it was difficult to believe that he was anything but perfect.

"You are," I whispered, pressing my lips to his forehead gently.

'And I don't deserve you.'

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