Chapter 12

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Reaper P.O.V

I had my doubts about the escape plan.

It involved many vents, precision, and a whole lot of luck.

Of course, luck wasn't something that I often had on my side, nor was precision something I was talented at.

I sighed as I trudged down a hallway. I had been tasked with creating a distraction in some secluded part of the prison while Red, G, and Frisk escaped.  Apparently they would come back for me after.  Apparently.

I hummed a soft tune as I moved along, attracting some strange looks from the occasional passing person, which I promptly ignored.

Soon, encounters with passing humans grew fewer and fewer, until my dramatically echoing footsteps were the only sounds that I could hear.

Eventually, I passed a door. The door wasn't anything special, it was just a door with a small metal plate affixed to it. The plate read, 'Interrogation.'

I heard a muffled whimper through the door, and frowned.

'Why does that sound... Familiar?' I paused at the door, and listened for another sound, but there was nothing. Eventually, I put it down to my imagination playing up, and went to move on, but then came another sound. A word. 

"Stop."  Then a couple of words.  "Stop, please."  The tone in the voice was pleading, desperate, fearful.  It was... Familiar, as if I should have easily recognized it, but wasn't able to. I frowned, and pressed my ear to the door.

"Now why would I want to do that?~" It was a new voice.  The voice was slightly deeper than the first, more rumbling, and without a trace of familiarity.

"Because you're a good person, I know you are, so please-" The voice broke off with a soft, broken sob, then continued. "Please don't do this, I'm begging you."

My eyes widened with sudden realization.


There was a long silence, then, "I think I'll pass on that one, thanks babe~"

My hands balled into fists, and I pushed the door open as soundlessly as I could manage.

My vision went white hot with shock at what I was seeing, and my blood was boiling.

Geno was sitting on one side of an interrogation table, and there was another guy sitting on top of him.

The guy had white hair - much like Geno's - and wore the orange jumpsuit that all prisoners wore. The guy mouth was at Geno's neck, despite the tears falling down Geno's face, and the whimpered protests that escaped his lips.

I took a deep breath, and stepped into the room, letting the door click shut behind me. The next thing that I knew, the other prisoner was knocked out, and lay slumped against a wall.

I looked to Geno, who had his arms wrapped around himself protectively, and looked as if he wanted to disappear.

"Sweetheart," I murmured, pain showing in my voice. I took a half step towards him, but froze when I caught sight of his tear streaked, fear ridden face. He started trembling, and looked away from me, to his shaky hands.

"Hey Reaper," he whispered, more tears escaping his eyes to run down his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around himself even tighter when I took a careful step towards him. He was silent as I approached, but he shook even more - so much that he was practically vibrating. I knelt in front of him.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" I asked gently, placing a hand on his knee. He flinched.

"I-I," Geno stuttered, eyes finding mine. I froze when I saw the fear in his gaze, but he only took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"Nothing. Nothing happened," he whispered.  I hesitated for only a second, then swept him into a tight embrace.  He struggled feebly for a few seconds, but eventually listened to my hushed whispers that I wouldn't hurt him, and broke down onto my chest.

His broken sobs racked his small frame, and his hands were tightly balled around my jumpsuit.  I stroked his head comfortingly, whispering to him softly.

"Geno, sweetheart, it'll all be okay, I promise," I comforted.  His reaction surprised me.

Geno chuckled darkly, and drew away from me, tears still running down his cheeks - seemingly endlessly.  He wrapped his arms around himself again in a mock hug.

"Nothing is 'okay'," he stated quietly, gripping his shoulders.  "Nothing will ever be 'okay'.  Don't make promises you can't keep."  He started shaking, soft sobs escaping his lips, tears falling from his eyes.  I froze for a few seconds, then pulled him in for another hug, this one tighter than the last.  Geno tried to resist, but my grip on him stayed firm.

"It will be.  Everything gets better eventually.  It has to.  That's the good thing about hitting rock bottom; the only way to go is up."  He didn't say anything else, but eventually wrapped his arms around me in return.  I couldn't help but to give a slight, pained smile at that, and nuzzled his head gently.  He shivered at the feeling, and I halted my affections, scared of scaring him, but he eventually leaned into my touch.  I smiled wider, and planted a soft, gentle kiss on his forehead.  He didn't seemed to mind - on the contrary; he acted as if he liked it.

"Thank you."  The two words were barely audible as they were said in such a small voice, and spoken into my chest, but I heard them.

"Don't mention it, okay sweetheart?  Anytime."

He drew back, surprised.

"R-really?"  He stuttered.  I smiled, and kissed his nose gently.

"Really," I returned.  It was the least that I could do - being there for him.  If I had come sooner, if I had done something, I could have prevented Geno being hurt.  If I hadn't been so damn stubborn, the entire incident might never have occurred.

"B-but I thought..?"  He stopped himself, and looked away.

"Never mind," Geno muttered.  I was curious, but decided not to pry.  Instead, I drew him into another gentle hug, petting his head softly.

"Don't worry," I whispered, "I'm here."  I felt warm liquid drip onto me.

"Thank you," he repeated quietly.


Ayyy look who updated twice in a day X3

Yea, it's eleven at the time that I am writing this, sorry if it's not the best.

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