Chapter 66

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Geno P.O.V

I giggled softly as Reaper pulled me onto the couch, nuzzling me gently, pressing small, featherlight kisses to any skin he got the chance to do so to, leaving occasional marks, claiming me as his own in the careful, loving way that he had.

I gasped quietly when he lifted up my shirt carefully, kissing my stomach softly, gripping at my waist lightly.  I melted into him a bit more, crying out softly when he bit my sides gently, sending waves of pleasure through my body and making me feel dizzy.

"Reaper..." I breathed, dazed and lovestruck, my mind a blur. Reaper grinned at me, kissing me softly, biting my lower lip gently, his hands tracing over my body softly. I smiled against his lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth, pressing closer to him, stealing dominance from him easily.  He groaned quietly, surprised, but let it happen, let me pin him down, still kissing him, his hands clutching onto my shirt tightly as my hands cupped his sides.

I growled softly when a phone began to ring, continuing to kiss Reaper softly, wanting more of him, my hands trailing over his body gently. I wanted to kiss him for forever, loving his soft noises, loving the way he came undone beneath my touch.

"Gen... The phone..." Reaper murmured, clinging to me tightly despite his words. "Sh-shouldn't we... G-get it..?" His sentences were fractured, as if he couldn't think properly, and I smiled, loving how I could do this to him so easily, loving his sensitivity.

"I don't care about the phone," I muttered, gripping onto him more tightly, deepening the kiss slightly. "I only want you, Reaps~"

Reaper moaned softly, melting under my touch, his cheeks flushed.

"It might be important, th-though..." he breathed, his words halfhearted, broken by soft moans. "Maybe i-it's... I... I-I don't kn-know..." I sighed teasingly, pulling away from his lips.

"Fine~" I murmured, pressing a last, gentle kiss to the base of his neck, then grabbing the phone, passing it to him. When he sat up properly, I wrapped my arms around him from behind, pulling him onto my lap gently, pressing more soft kisses to the nape of his neck, swirling my tongue over the sensitive skin, making him gasp softly, shivering, small, adorable noises escaping his mouth.

"A-ah~ G-Gen... F-F-Fuck.... Sh-shit... I w-won't... Won't be a-able to s-speak when y-you're d-doing th-this..." he whispered shakily, his hand gripping onto the phone tightly as he fell apart in my arms shivering.  I pouted, trailing gentle touches over his chest, not wanting to stop kissing him, but nodding reluctantly, my movements halting.  Reaper gave a soft sigh of relief, relaxing into me as he checked the phone, then paling.

It had started ringing again after having gone silent for a few moments, and the number was familiar.

Fuck off. Leave us alone. We're happy together. Fuck off.

"Gen..?" Reaper whispered.  I nodded stiffly, tightening my arms around him gently.

He pressed the green answer button reluctantly, falling quiet.

Just stop. Just leave us to live our lives.

There was a short pause, then an image flickered onto the screen.

"Heya~" Classic purred, grinning wolfishly, his arms wrapped around Lust from behind, his chin resting on the other's shoulder.

"Heya," Lust repeated emptily, his eyes fixed to the ground.  My breath hitched with sadness. He was shirtless, open cuts and bruises littering any visible skin.  His left cheek was slit open and still leaking blood, various other marks marring his face, one of his eyes black, both of them with dark circles beneath.

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