Chapter 55

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Reaper P.O.V

After that, I asked him to sing for me so much more often.

Surprisingly, he always complied.  Every time I wanted to hear his voice, he would sing for me, even if he was bashful about it.

He was too good for me.  Too perfect.

He sang soft songs, mostly.  They suited him.

Beautiful, magical, soft with undertones of fire.

I really was dating a fucking angel.

And I made sure to let him know it.  I made sure that he knew he was the most beautiful person in the world.  I told him he was perfect.  I told him how amazing his personality was, how his adorable, loving smile shone brighter than the sun.

I think he was starting to believe it, too.

He was smiling more, laughing more. He was more confident, too. When I teased him, he teased me back, and often flustered me so much that I could barely speak for stuttering.

It was very fucking hot.

The rare times he showed sadness were mostly when I left for a job.

And I hated leaving for work.  Despised it.

I hated leaving him.  I hated it when he wasn't near me.  I hated knowing that he was sad when I left.

I didn't care that I was clingy, I needed him. He was the single most important person in my life, and I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

I wanted to hold him until my death.

But I couldn't.  Life gets in the way.

I wanted to change that...


Geno P.O.V

A few months passed with Reaper coming and going for jobs.  I was beginning to understand - really understand - that he loved me too much to leave me.  To properly leave me.  He loved me too much to leave and never come back.

In between jobs, we spent every spare second together. 

He continually asked me to sing for him.  I will never understand why he likes my voice so much, but I would do anything for him.

And so, I sang for him.

He was so cute sometimes.  We were laying curled up together, a peaceful loving silence resting on our shoulders when he gave a soft murmur of 'Sing for me?  Please..?' as he gazed up at me with innocent seduction, his eyes wide and shining, a small, shy smile playing his lips.

How would I ever say no to that?

Then there was the time where I asked him to dance for me.


"Can you play for me?" Reaper asked softly, nuzzling me gently, pulling me onto his lap.  We were curled up on a beanbag in the piano room, his arms wrapped around me securely.  I rolled my eyes.

"I just did, Reaps," I mumbled bashfully.  I had just finished playing 'The Entertainer'.

"Can you do it again..?" he pleaded, kissing my neck gently, making my breath hitch.

He smiled slyly when I mumbled 'Will you dance for me in return?~'

Probably a bad idea on my part.

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