Chapter 3

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Geno P.O.V

I skidded to a stop in front of Reaper's cell, panting softly.  Heat rose to my face when I saw him.  He glanced up at me from his seat on the floor, and smirked, the red that was tinging his cheeks barely noticeable.

'He's...  Blushing?  Why?'  I thought, slight confusion clouding my head. Then Reaper spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Heya sweetheart~" Reaper cooed.  I flushed brightly, him blushing being pushed from my mind.

"Hi," I managed, hesitating, before walking into the cell, and sliding down the wall, joining Reaper on the floor.  He looked at me in surprise for a second, his blush more prominent, but almost immediately changed back to his usual flirty self.

"Can't get enough of me, can you?~" He teased, smirking at me.  I didn't respond, eyes glued to the ground as I wrapped my arms around my legs.

"Geno~" came the teasing call, touched with an almost unnoticeable hint of worry.  I looked at Reaper, who was smirking, but had a spark of concern glinting in his eyes.  I sighed softly.

"I came to say thank you," I said begrudgingly, averting my eyes.  Reaper paused for a second, presumably out of shock, then regained his composure, and smirked again, before speaking, still with that same teasing tone.

"Thank you for what, sweetheart?~"

I knew that he was teasing, but answered as if it was a legit question.

"Thank you for dealing with Lust for me back there...  It...  Really meant a lot," I said softly, trying a smile.  Reaper paused, then his expression changed to one of disgust.

"Hang on a sec, that guy's name was Lust?"  Reaper asked incredulously.  "Is that what he calls himself, or did his parents just hate him?"

For some reason, I found the remark overly humorous, and I couldn't stop the slight giggle that escaped my lips.  My hand went up to cover my mouth, my face exploding with heat.

'Dear lord, I'm like a fucking teenager with a fucking crush!'  I froze, my face growing hotter.

'Minus...  Minus the crush part.  And the teenage part,' I added quickly, blush receding slowly.

I saw Reaper's expression soften slightly at my slip, then a half smile tugged at his lips.

"Either way, no need to thank me, sweetheart~" he said, "It was nothing~" He waved me off, but I grabbed his wrist, making him tense.

"Shut you goddamn mouth for just one bloody second, and accept my thanks.  No one else would have done it, and no, I'm not going to give you a fucking trophy, but I will give you my thanks.  Take it and run before I take it back," I hissed, and even though I was angry, I meant every word.  I was harassed by Lust almost daily, but no one had done a thing about it, that is until Reaper.  I flushed slightly, releasing his hand, and rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sorry," I muttered.

Reaper froze for a second, then gave a flirty grin.

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