Chapter 13

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Geno P.O.V

"Thank you," I whispered, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

Reaper stroked my back gently, whispering in my ear in a comforting manner.  I clung to him tightly, sobbing softly into his chest.  His arms tightened around me as I broke down in his embrace.

His presence was so reassuring, solid, dependable.  It felt as if I could trust him, rely on him, as if I could be safe with him.

I hadn't felt that way since Classic.

I tensed at the thought, and pulled away from Reaper hastily.  He looked at me with an inquisitive, hurt look on his face as I wiped my tears away.

"...  Sweetheart?"  Reaper called gently.  I couldn't help but to flinch, and he took on a wounded expression, though he covered it up quickly.  He extended a hand, but halted about an inch away from my shoulder, then dropped it, and looked away from me, grimacing.

"Sorry," he muttered.  A tidal wave of guilt flooded me at his expression of defeat.

'He was only trying to help; he was helping,' I thought, 'And I pushed him away.  I hurt him.'  I gripped my arm tightly.

'It seems that's all I'm good for, doesn't it?  Hurting people, even without the intention of hurting them. Hurting people, or getting hurt myself.' I smiled bitterly.

'Useless, aren't I?'

I forced myself to turn my attention back to Reaper, who was still looking away from me.

"It's fine, you did nothing wrong," I murmured, almost involuntarily, gaze fixed on the ground as I was unable to meet his eyes.


He didn't respond for a few seconds, then he wrapped his arms around me again.  I sighed softly in relief, resting my head on his chest.  We were both silent for a long while after that, then Reaper spoke up.

"Sweetheart... it's okay, okay?  I won't leave you unless you want me to leave.  I promise."  I froze, drew back, and looked up at him with wide, awed, tear filled eyes.

"Y-you...  You r-really mean that?"  I stammered.  'Do you really mean the words you speak, or are you just saying them? Do you really mean them, or are they just more empty promises?' Reaper smiled.

"Of course," he confirmed quietly, before booping my nose, and switching to his usual flirty demeanor.  "Besides, what person in their right mind would just leave someone even half as beautiful as you are~" My face heated up to a ridiculous degree, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't do that!"  I exclaimed in protest.  Reaper only smiled wider.

"Don't do what, sweetheart?~ Tell the obvious truth?~" My blush deepened further, and I transformed into a stuttering mess.  I buried my face in my scarf, trying to conceal my blush. Reaper laughed at my attempt.

"C'mon~" he cooed, "Don't hide that adorable face of yours, I want to see it~"

"Asshole," I muttered, my face still firmly planted in my scarf.

When I didn't move, he took my chin in his hand, and tilted my head so that I was facing him.  My face grew hotter under his gaze, and I did my best to not lean into his touch.

Reaper smiled at my flustered expression, then released my chin.  He stood, and somehow managed to pick me up in his arms - bridal style.  I gasped softly, face somehow heating up even further, and started struggling halfheartedly.

"Reaper!"  I exclaimed, "Put me down!"  Reaper acted as if he were thinking about it for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"Nah, you're too cute flustered; this is an opportunity that I'd rather not miss~" My face was so hot that you could've fried an egg on it.

"Stop!"  I demanded, outrage clear in my voice.  Reaper gave a short laugh, and a simple shake of his head in response.  I huffed, and struggled for a full minute, before admitting defeat, and settling into my captor's hold.  Reaper pressed his smiling lips to my forehead in a gentle kiss when I resigned. My face was growing hotter by the second.

"I will have you know that I continue to strongly disagree with this action," I stated haughtily.  Reaper cracked a grin.

"And I will have you know that your opinion - no matter how cute you look and act while giving it - is invalid in this matter~" I blushed madly at his words, but huffed, crossing my arms sulkily.

"I'm not cute," I muttered, looking away from him.  I gasped when Reaper nuzzled my neck, and my wide eyes snapped towards him, face engulfed with bright red.  Reaper laughed at my reaction.

"Are too~" he cooed, nuzzling my cheek gently. I stuttered for a short while, then glared at him.

"Am not."

"Darling, you're only proving my point further with all of this adorable arguing you have going on right now~ Just let it go~" I huffed again, but stayed silent, looking around the interrogation room as Reaper chuckled his low, husky, sexy chuckle.

When my gaze swept over the room, my breath hitched, and my chest tightened.  I froze, gaze trained on a certain unconscious body.

'I'd completely forgotten about him...'

Even unconscious, he scared me to no ends.

Reaper noticed my sudden stillness, and tensed, all playfulness disappearing in an instant.  He tracked my gaze to Classic's unconscious body, paused for a long while, then turned back to me and nuzzled my cheek gently.  I looked up at him in surprise, jolted from my thoughts.  I gave him an inquisitive look, and he responded to my silent question immediately.

"If you want to kick him while he's unconscious, you can," Reaper suggested, smiling tightly.  I forced a terse laugh, and buried my face in his shirt to hide my tears. He rubbed the back of my skull softly as I pressed my face into his chest.

"I just want to go," I whispered, "Please." Reaper didn't hesitate to nod, and start towards the door - though not before delivering a harsh kick to Classic's ribs.



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