Chapter 25

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Reaper P.O.V

I still don't know how the hell it happened.

Geno and I were in a stolen police car. 

Geno was sitting in the driver's seat, an almost insane grin on his face as we sped down some obscure, lesser known roads that Geno seemed to know quite well.  The flashing blue and red lights and the sharp screeching of police sirens were receding into the distance as we left the city far behind us, with me just staring dumbly in front of myself, my mind uncomprehending, as if I couldn't quite believe that what happened had happened.


Let's review.



"We're leaving," Geno proclaimed, smiling softly.  I gave a slight, slow nod, continuing to rub gentle circles onto his back, holding him to my chest protectively.

"Now," he said quietly, gazing at me imploringly, as if awaiting my response.

"Yep," I said softly.  Geno smiled slightly, his eyes brightening slightly, his expression hopeful.  Then I actually realised what he had said.

"Wait- now?" I exclaimed, my mind reeling in shock.  Geno paused, then laughed sadly, his small, hopeful smile wavering and dropping as he looked down to hide his dejected look.

"I... I'm sorry... we don't have to, of course, not if you don't want to..." Geno sighed quietly, pulling away from me slightly, standing up quickly, an almost mechanical smile stretching across his face.  "Sorry, it was a stupid idea, anyway, I'll g-"

I caught his arm as he was turning, carefully turning him back around so that he was facing me, drawing Geno into a soft, sweet kiss, enjoying the gentle, tingly warmth that spread throughout me at the contact.  I pulled back after only a few moments, gazing at him, somehow falling even deeper in love with every part of Geno with each passing moment.

I smiled slightly when I saw Geno's flustered expression, then caught the gleam of pain in his dulled eyes, and wrapped my arms around him carefully, pulling him into another warm hug, resting my chin on his shoulder. He teased slightly, then breathed out a soft sigh, relaxing into my embrace, loosely wrapping his arms around my torso, letting me hold him.

Geno's breath hitched slightly when my lips grazed his ear lobe, and he gripped onto the back of my shirt slightly, making my heart beat quicken somewhat, a soft warmth growing in my face.

"When do we leave?" I murmured into his ear, holding Geno closer in a gentle, protective manner.

Geno paused, then went on the tips of his toes to rest his chin on my shoulder, his lips brushing against the side of my neck so that I could feel his small smile.  I shivered slightly at the contact, my entire body tingling, doing my best to focus on Geno's words instead of the dirty thoughts that were running through my mind.

"Now works," Geno murmured, his voice soft.  I responded with a small nod, and his hands released the back of my shirt, trailing over my body and up my chest to grip at my collar, making my cheeks warm.  I stroked the base of his waist gently, holding him close, feeling the soft heat of his face against the bare skin of my neck.

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