Chapter 9

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Reaper P.O.V

"I'm sure.  I don't want to see him," I lied, teeth gritted, eyes steely.

Of course I wanted to see him, but I also wanted to get out, and it was either one or the other.

If I saw him, I wouldn't want to leave.

Red saw my expression, and sighed.

"It's settled then. We'll go tomorrow," he informed. I raised an eyebrow, looking first at him, then at G.

"So soon? What about your cops?" I quizzed. G and Red both flushed brightly, while I looked at them expectantly. G was the first to speak up, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Frisk's coming with us. She's, uh, had enough of being a goody two shoes - not my words, her's." Red snorted.

"And then she kissed you," Red tacked on, smile widening. G flushed brighter, staring a hole in the floor, while I raised an eyebrow.

"She kissed you, huh?" I teased. G looked away, steam rolling off his cheeks. Red and I both laughed at his flustered expression, then I turned on him.

"So, Red, what about Blue?" I questioned. Red took on a dark expression, and didn't answer for a long while.

"Don't ask," he managed eventually, hands balled into fists. G took on a sympathetic expression, while I gave a slight nod.

"So what exactly does this plan entail?" I asked swiftly, sensing the need for a change of topic. Red mustered a grim smile of thanks, before launching into the mechanics of the plan.


Geno P.O.V

I had tripped my way to the small cupboard that had become my safe haven in the prison over the years, and lay curled up inside of it. My eyes were wide and unblinking, and my breathing was shallow.

Eventually, I drew in a deep breath, wiped furiously at my dry eyes, and pushed my way out of the cupboard. My muscles were stiff and uncooperative from being curled up in the same position for so long.  I took another deep, calming breath, letting the prison air flood my lungs, then trudged towards the exercise yard, where Blue's post was at that particular time.

I sighed as I pushed the door to the exercise yard open, and was immediately greeted with the concerned face of Blue.

"Geno!"  Blue shouted, eyes wide.  "Where have you been?"  I paused before speaking.

"Uh, France?"  I answered, smiling sheepishly.  Blue gave me a look that said 'really', then continued to question me.

"Seriously though, where were you?  Ink's been looking for you!"  My eyes widened.

"He has?"  I exclaimed, completely ignoring his first sentence.  Blue nodded.

"Yeah, he's been looking for you for at least an hour!"

"Shit," I said quietly, already moving towards the exit.  I turned and ran in the direction of Ink's office, leaving Blue in the exercise yard.

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