Chapter 53

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Reaper P.O.V

I was silent for a long while, trapped in thought as I held Geno close to my chest, nuzzling him gently.

Geno used to be in that same position. Classic used to hurt Geno like he's hurting Lust.

The thought made me want to kill Classic even more painfully than I had previously wanted to.

"....Sweetheart..." I murmured, fiddling with the fabric of his shirt as I spoke. "What... what did Classic say to you? When you were...together...When he was.... hurting you..."

Geno flinched, starting to shake slightly, fidgeting.

"I... he... um..." he fumbled quietly, looking anywhere but me as he spoke. "I... C-can't remember... H-ha... Ha..."

I frowned, taking his face in my hands carefully to make his eyes meet mine, only to have Geno's flicker closed as he avoided making eye contact.

What did he say? What did Classic say to make Geno unable to look at me..?

I growled quietly at the thought, and Geno's lip trembled as he shook, tears pricking at his closed eyes.

'I'm scaring him...' I thought sadly, feeling immediate guilt.

"Gen..." I murmured, stroking his face softly, pulling him closer carefully. "Please...I... please, tell me."

Geno shied away from my touch slightly, but nodded, trembling in a way that made my heart break.

"He... um..." Geno trailed off, falling silent for a long while, then speaking again, his eyes clouded over, his body shaking.  "...h-he said things like how I was just a toy to him, a whore, worthless, that I could never have someone love me. He said I belonged to him, that I was just an object, that I was his, only used for sexual pleasure and as a punching bag.  He told me that I was disgusting, fat, ugly, inside and out, that I should just die, that I wasn't deserving of life."

Geno paused shortly, his breath shaky, and I glared at the phone that had been discarded, my hands clenched into tight fists.

Classic is going to d i e a s l o w a n d p a i n f u l d e a t h .

Geno inhaled shakily, his breath hitching, then he continued, even more trembly than before.

"He said...  he said that I was a t-terrible thing, a monster, that I was selfish and never thought of others, that my life was a negative influence on the world, and that he was p-punishing me for it.  He said....  h-he said that bad things deserve to be hurt, d-deserve to be cut, to be b-beaten, t-to be r-r-ra-"

He cut himself off before he could finish the word, sobbing shakily, curling into himself, trembling more when I tried to comfort him.

After a while, he tried to continue to list off the things that Classic had told him, his voice shaking so terribly that he was hardly understandable, his words halting.

"H-he t-t-told me th-th-at I w-w-was j-j-just a sp-sp-e-eck, th-that I-I w-wou-ou-ld n-n-ne-v-ver m-m-a-a-ke a-a d-dif-f-fer-e-ence t-to a-any-o-o-one, to a-any-th-thing, th-that I-I w-w-was i-in-c-conse-qu-quen-tial, th-that I....."

He trailed off into muttered nonsense, crying and sobbing shakily, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Gen....  Gen, sweetheart... Shhh... You don't have to go on..." I whispered gently, stroking his back softly, holding him close to my chest securely.  His feverish whispers ceased, and he shook in my arms, his body completely dysfunctional because of the recollection. He sobbed shakily as I tried to calm him, keeping him as close as possible, kissing his face gently.

"...Geno, sweetheart, listen to me, okay?" I said softly, rubbing gentle, careful circles onto his back. Geno nodded shakily, still trembling uncontrollably, making my heart hurt.

"Sweetheart.... you're none of what he said you were," I said quietly, feeling my expression darken. "You're not an object, Geno.  You're not a thing. You're a person, and you're my person, not his."

Geno gave the smallest smile at my words, though his tears came faster.

"...I d-did deserve what he did, though... I... I am a bad p-person. I... I d-deserved to have been c-cut. I deserved to have h-had him r-rape me..." He broke off into shaky sobs, his body going weak in my arms.

"...Geno... no. You didn't deserve that. You never deserved to have been hurt. What happened to you was not justice in any way," I said quietly, cupping his face in my hands gently. Geno only pulled himself away from me slightly, curling around himself.

"You're just t-too k-kind to tell me h-how much of a shit thing that I a-am. I deserved what h-happened to me. I deserved to be h-hurt."  Geno hid his face as much as he could, his voice turning shakier, even though he was seemingly trying to stay strong.  "And I d-deserve to be h-hurt by you. I know you're too g-good to e-even r-raise a h-hand t-to me, but still..."

Geno sighed shakily, lifting his face so that his eyes met mine.

His eyes were so sad.  So full of pain, so tortured.

"I understand if you want to. I understand if you want to beat me from within an inch of my life because I annoy or inconvenience you. And... I-it's okay. You can do whatever y-you want to me. I'm yours. I-If you want to hurt me, then I-I can d-deal with it, o-okay..? You can hurt me.  I'm h-happy if it means that you derived some kind of pleasure from it...  I...  I don't m-matter, o-okay?  Only you matter."

He was scaring me.  Badly.

He would let me hurt him because he thinks it would make me happy..?  He thinks I want to hurt him..?

"G-Gen..." I whispered, reaching out to hold him.

Geno let me wrap my arms around him, then returned my tight embrace, gripping onto my shirt tightly, shaking ever so slightly, though he was seemingly trying to stop himself from trembling.

He would.  He would let me do anything to him, wouldn't he?  Even...

"...Geno...  I... I will never hurt you...I swear it.  I don't want to anything that you're uncomfortable with. I would never want to hurt you...I... I could never hit you...I could never bring myself to do that...I...I just want to love you...I just want to hug you, to kiss you...I want you to be happy...I want to be the person who makes you happy...  I'm sorry, I made you think that I wanted to hurt you... I'm so, so s-sorry..." I trailed off, crying softly, and Geno tightened his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, nuzzling me gently, shaking more.

"I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry, I'm s-so sorry, I don't... I sh-shouldn't have said that... I..." Geno trailed off into quiet sobs, clinging to me. "I'm sorry..."

Slowly, his sobs turned violent, his body shaking, tears streaming down his face.

"Gen... Gen, it's o-okay..." I whispered kissing him gently, then pulling away, cuddling into his chest and rubbing his back carefully.  "It's okay..."

Geno nodded shakily, slowly relaxing into my soft touches, his shaking slowly calming down, his sobs and whimpers gradually ceasing, though tears still fell down his cheeks, soft hiccups escaping his mouth occasionally.

", Reaps..." Geno whispered, clinging to me as he cuddled closer to me, gazing up at me and giving a soft, cute hiccup as he leant into my chest.  "I love you..."

Even when he has tear stains all over his face, he's still the most beautiful, most perfect, most adorable person in the world.

"I love you too, sweetheart... I love you so much..."


Word Count: 1362

I must say that I did not expect so much sadness over Ink's death,,

I mean, y'all hated him a couple chapters ago xd,,

What changed?

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