Chapter 62

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Reaper P.O.V

We didn't end up drinking much.

The meager five glasses of wine I had was barely enough to make me feel fuzzy, and it definitely hadn't been enough to make me stop worrying about the proposal.

And I was worrying a whole fucking lot.

Geno had been edging closer to me the entire night, probably self conscious because of all the people.

He wasn't so uncomfortable that he couldn't enjoy himself, but he still seemed distracted.

That was why I couldn't propose. Not here. It had to be somewhere else, where Geno was comfortable.

I sighed quietly, leaning across the table to kiss Geno gently, then pulling away, smiling softly.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" I asked quietly, tracing light patterns onto the back of his hand.  Geno smiled back at me.

'Maybe I'll take him on a walk... Or something...  I'll think of something.'

"Yeah, let's go," he responded softly, smiling the small, loving smile that I could never stop thinking of. We both stood, moving away from the table.

'I can do this. I can propose to him.'

I exhaled softly as I wrapped an arm around Geno's waist, pulling him flush against my side.

'I can do this...'


'I can't do this. I can't fucking do this.'

I had just paid, and we had left the building, Geno still firmly against my side.

'What do I say..? Shit, what do I say...'

"Reaps?" Geno breathed out, moving closer to me as we walked down a small path, cuddling into my side as pale light from the streetlamps shone onto his face.

"Yeah?" I responded breathlessly, barely able to take how beautiful he was in the soft orange glow of the light.

"Thank you," he murmured, pressing a small kiss to the side of my neck, making me inhale sharply. "Tonight was amazing. I loved every second of it, thank you for this. I love you."

"I love you too, my angel," I croaked out in response, barely able to speak, too in awe of his beauty, and too scared for what was to happen next, my breath catching in my throat, my words mostly gone. Geno's expression turned worried at the coarse sound of my voice.

"Reaper...? Reaper, what's wrong?" he asked concernedly, his beautiful eyes full of concern. "Did I say something..?-" He cut himself off with a quiet gasp when I turned him to face me abruptly, pulling him to a stop in front of a small shop. 

The shop was closed, as it was well past eleven, and there was a streetlamp to our left, which was illuminating Geno's figure with a soft orange-y gold light.  It had been raining before, and there were puddles of water spread smoothly over the streets and pavements.

"Reaps..?" he breathed, his eyes wide, his breathing shallow, and he was so fucking perfect I don't know how the fuck I'm going to do this-

"Gen, I... Listen to me, please," I whispered, gazing at him intently, not trusting my voice enough to speak in anything above a murmur. Geno nodded wordlessly, hesitating for just a moment, then reaching up to wrap his arms around my neck.

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