Chapter 30

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Reaper P.O.V

I woke first, blushing softly when I found myself in Geno's arms.  I relaxed into him, smiling slightly, my heart fluttery.

I could help but to stare at Geno, watching as the first rays of the sun's light hit his face.  The golden light was filtered by trees and the car windows, patterning Geno's face cutely, turning his ghost-white hair to gold, making his already adorable face look even more adorable - if that was even possible.

I gazed at him dreamily, my eyes tracing over each of his perfect features. I probably looked like a creep, but I couldn't care less in that instant.

I brushed my thumb over his cheek gently, trying to assure myself that Geno was real, that he wasn't a phantom, a dream, then sighed with quiet content, resting my head against his chest, listening to the quiet, steady thumping of his heart, closing my eyes relaxedly, lost in thoughts of Geno.

It was easily an hour before I felt him stir beneath me. There was a pause, then his breath hitched slightly, his arms tightening around me securely, making me smile slightly, before I started to feign sleep.

I felt his gaze trained on me as he started to pet my head softly, carefully smoothing my hair away from my forehead, giving a small, happy sigh. I leant into his touch slightly, feeling warm and fuzzy, my heart fluttery.

We continued to lay there for a long while, Geno petting my hair gently, smoothing it away from my face as I leant into his warm, loving touch, relaxing completely into him.

"I know you're awake, Reaps," he said suddenly, his voice low, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. I smiled, blushing lightly, opening my eyes slowly to see his small smile, his cheeks scattered with a soft blush.

"You got me~" I said in a mock-defeated tone, my voice low and teasing. I pressed a soft, slow kiss to Geno's lips, resting my hands at his waist as he brought his hands up to gently cup my face, kissing back sweetly.

I pulled away soon after, smiling softly.

"How'd you sleep, love?" I murmured, lightly tracing my fingertips over his sides.  He shivered slightly, blushing softly.

"I slept well, actually," he said quietly, sounding slightly surprised.  "I haven't slept so well in... I don't know how long..."

I smiled gently, stealing a soft kiss from his lips, pulling away shortly after.

"We should sleep together more often, then~" I said teasingly, earning a deep red blush from him.

"M-Maybe we should~" he stuttered out shyly, and I felt my face warm. Geno smiled slightly, grabbing the front of my shirt, pulling me down to meet my lips with his.

I kissed back immediately, my lips locking with his, pressing my body against him.  I could feel the warmth of his face as Geno wrapped his arms around my torso tightly, pulling me closer, shivering slightly as my hands trailed over his sides.

I rubbed firm, loving circular motions onto his chest, smiling when he gave a soft moan, slipping my tongue into his mouth, exploring gently, continuing to work gentle circles onto Geno's chest, drawing long, shaky moans from him.

I pulled away from the kiss slowly, then pressed my lips to the corner of his mouth, to his cheek, his forehead, his eyelids, covering his face in careful, love-filled kisses, then returning to his mouth, gently pressing a kiss to his parted lips, pulling away soon after.

"I love you so much, sweetheart," I said lowly, gazing down at him lovingly, my fingers tracing over his arm carefully.

"I love you too, Reaps," Geno whispered in return, his voice hushed, as if it was a secret.  I smiled, stealing another soft, sweet kiss from his warm lips, pulling away slowly. 

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