Chapter 21

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Geno P.O.V

"Well that's an idea," I said softly, pulling back from the hug to meet Reaper's hopeful eyes.

"What idea?" He asked softly, staring into my eyes.  I gave a slight, unsure smile.

"Running away," I said quietly, taking Reaper's hands in my own.  "We could get out of here, away from this mess, find somewhere to stay; somewhere small, out of the way, or even just sleep under the stars - I don't care, as long as I'm with you."

Reaper blushed softly, staring at me in slight awe.

"You'd give up your job to be with me?" He questioned quietly.  I grinned sheepishly.

"A million times over," I whispered, unconsciously leaning closer to Reaper.

The sides of Reaper's lips quirked upwards into a slight smile, and he gently and carefully wrapped his arms around my waist, lightly trailing his fingertips over my back.  A small smile found it's way onto my face, and I shuddered slightly from his touch, wrapping my arms around his neck in turn, drawing him closer, meeting his lips in a soft, sweet kiss.

Reaper kissed back immediately, his arms tightening around me just as mine did around him.  He pressed closer to me, carefully pushing me onto the bed, and suddenly my hands were at the sides of my head, with Reaper gently pinning me to the bed from his hip to his shoulder, his tongue brushing against my lips. 

My blush grew substantially as I opened my mouth to let him in, letting out a soft noise when his tongue was gently inserted into my mouth and carefully intertwined with my own.  I wrapped my legs around Reaper's waist tightly, pulling him closer to me, wanting more of the kiss.

Reaper kissed me harder, deepening the kiss slightly, swirling his tongue around my mouth, cueing soft noises from me as we both pressed closer to each other.  He stroked my wrist gently, tracing random patterns onto the bare skin.

I began to grow nervous, and pushed him away slowly, blush receding. Reaper's expression turned immediately regretful, and guilt welled up in me at the fact that I was the reason for that look.

"Too far?" He asked apologetically, voice hushed, releasing me as I sat up, moving so that he was sitting beside me. I shook my head, leaning my head onto Reaper's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around my waist gently.

"No, that was amazing," I whispered genuinely. Reaper blushed softly, stroking my side gently.

"Just tell me if you ever want me to stop, and I will, okay?" He said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. A slight red took place on my face, and I gave a nod, internally glad that he had released my arm, shifting said arm so that it was obscured from Reaper's view, snuggling closer to him, sighing softly.


Reaper P.O.V

He doesn't think I noticed.

He doesn't think that I saw the way he hid his arm from me.

He doesn't think that I saw the scars.

I managed a small smile, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Geno's head, drawing him closer.

"I love you," I mumbled into his ghostly white hair, tracing light patterns onto his thigh. Geno blushed softly, nuzzling into me. He didn't say it back, but nor did I expect him to.

"So what's the plan?" I asked softly, referring to how he had suggested to 'run away with me', petting his hair gently. "How are we going to do this?"

Geno gave a slight, sad smile, leaning into my touch, blushing lightly.

"I have no idea, but we'll do it somehow. We'll figure something out soon, or just wing it maybe." He gave a small smirk. "If all fails, if worst comes to worst, and I get thrown in prison, well, at least we'd be together."

I sighed softly, tracing a light heart onto the pale skin of his neck, smiling slightly at his blush, and the shivers that ran down his spine at my touches.

"I've told you already, don't get thrown in prison, please. I love you, I want you to be safe- I need you to be safe. It's not safe in prison, particularly for someone who used to be a cop; you'd be hated by both the prisoners, and your cop friends. I can't see you hurt, please, don't-" Geno cut off my pleading with a soft, short kiss. He smiled at me sadly when he pulled away.

"Yeah, I know. I just want to be with you," he whispered, looking down slightly. I sighed again, a soft warmth at my cheeks as I stroked Geno's back gently.

"I want to be with you, too," I stated quietly, "More than anything." Geno blushed softly, nuzzling into my side. I smiled, blushing slightly, relaxing into him.

"We'll work it out later, okay?"  He said softly, kissing me gently, pulling away shortly, blushing a little more than before.

"Sounds good," I murmured, kissing him again, then drawing away, smiling at his flushed face.

"How about we meet up tomorrow? I know the perfect place," he informed. I nodded slightly, moving closer to Geno, drawing him into a last, lingering kiss, mumbling a soft 'I love you' into it. A small smile played my lips as I inserted my tongue into his mouth, swirling it around Geno's mouth, both of us pouring our passion into the kiss.

When I pulled away, Geno's face was flushed a deep red, and we were both panting softly. I gave a small grin, and pressed a gentle kiss to his nose, running my hand over his chest lightly, then pulling myself away from him reluctantly.

"I'll see you tomorrow~" I called over my shoulder, giving him a flirty wink.  Geno rolled his eyes, his face tinged with a soft red, a small smile playing his lips.

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, "See ya' tomorrow, asshole."  I laughed softly, blowing him a playful kiss, then walking out of the cell, my heart fluttering in my chest.


Whoop update ;-;

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