Chapter 11

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Ink P.O.V

Guilt gnawed away at me as I watched Geno leave. The door closed with a soft click, and I was left sitting alone in a near silent room. I was tempted to rush after him, but eventually, I sighed, and turned back to my mountains of paperwork.

'At least Stretch will be there? I guess? Geno'll be fine... I hope.' I winced internally, scribbling random messy doodles in the margin of a piece of paper, attempting to distract myself. I sat in an almost silence for a long while, the only noises being the sound of my pencil lead contacting with the paper in swift, frantic movements.

'Maybe I should check up on them,' I thought, standing up, but hesitating, mainly because of the multiple stacks of paperwork that I had to complete before the end of the day.

'Or not?' I thought unsurely, landing back in my chair with a dull thump. I went back to scribbling on a stray piece of paper.

'Probably best if I just leave them to it. Stretch is with him. He'll be fine.' I laughed uneasily, twirling the pencil round in my hand, gaze fixed on the door. I sighed softly.

'I should probably get back to work,' I instructed myself, forcing my attention back to the dull files.  My eyes flickered to the door one last time, then returned to the paperwork.  I reached for the closest pile.  I sighed tiredly, chewing on the end of my pencil.

'Sorry Geno.'


Geno P.O.V

The sight of the file in front of me brought me back to reality, and I realised what I was supposed to be doing; what I had come to do in the first place.

I shuffled the papers in front of me self consciously, and cleared my throat awkwardly. Classic gave me a smirk, and I shivered.

"W-Well- we uh- W-We should get started with the questions now," I informed uncomfortably, trying and failing to push my emotions to the pits of my stomach.

Classic raised an eyebrow, but nodded slowly. "M'kay babe~" I flinched at his tone, then went on to asking him the standard questions.

"Name?" I questioned. He gave me a funny look, then smiled eerily.

"It's daddy to you~" He gave his signature exaggeratedly long wink.  My hand halted. I tensed, and my breathing quickened, as did my heart beat. I kept my gaze focused on the paper in front of me, trying to ignore the sadistically grinning face across from me.  I took a deep breath, then scribbled 'Classic Sans' in the intended box.

"Next question~" he instructed. I shivered at his unwavering gaze, but nodded slightly.

"It says here that you didn't resist arrest." I gestured to a sheet of paper as I spoke.  "Mind telling me why?" I queried; not because it was a question that I had to ask, but because I wanted to know. Classic cracked a lazy, but menacing smile.

"Because I wanted to see you, of course~ Paid off, didn't it?~" He stated it as if it were an obvious fact. I flinched, and looked back to the paper in front of me.

Only two questions later, Classic yawned. He stood, stretching.

"This is boring, babe~ I had something... More fun in mind~" I tensed as he approached where I was sitting. I started trembling again when his cuffed hand reached my chin.

"D-don't," I stuttered as he stroked my cheek, "P-please." Classic smiled comfortingly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Aw, don't worry babe~ You'll be fine~" he claimed.

His tone of voice and the lust in his eyes said otherwise. He pressed a soft, short kiss to my lips, then another, each one more rough than the one preceding it. I shook violently, arms weak and unable to push him away. I whimpered uncontrollably when he finally drew away.

"Stop," I pleaded as he climbed onto my lap. "Stop, please." Classic chuckled softly.

"Now why would I want to do that?~" he exclaimed, feigning surprise. Hot, salty liquid streamed down my face, - the first time in over three years that I had properly cried - but I ignored it.

"Because you're a good person, I know you are, so please-" I broke off with a soft, broken sob, but continued anyway. "Please don't do this, I'm begging you."

Classic's eyes clouded over, and for a moment, he looked hesitant. For a moment, he looked as if he regretted everything, he looked like the person I once loved.


But it was only for a moment.

Soon, a dangerous smirk was plastered on his face again, the regretful look gone - as if it had never been there in the first place. As if I had imagined it all. As if he had lost all of his fragile sanity.

"I think I'll pass on that one, thanks babe~" he muttered, kissing up and down my jawline.

I whimpered, and squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation, resignation and defeat flooding me. I felt myself go limp, and I could feel the smile that was playing Classic's lips. Hot tears fell down my face when I felt warm lips press against my neck gently, and I whimpered once again, readying myself for imminent pain; both emotional and physical.

I gasped softly when the warmth of his weight disappeared. My eyes flew open, and I looked up. My blood turned to ice in my veins, and I wrapped my arms around myself protectively, trying to disappear from view, internally begging to be consumed by the ground.

"Sweetheart," Reaper murmured, eyes full of pain. He took a half step towards me, but stopped when he caught sight of my tear streaked, fear ridden face. I started trembling under his eyes, and the rapid rhythm of my heart beat sounded in my head. I forced myself to look away from his concerned face, and my gaze landed on my practically vibrating hands.

"Heya Reaper," I whispered, more tears falling down my cheeks.



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