Chapter 42

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Geno P.O.V

It had been a few months since Reaper's first job.

That first job, he had been away for almost two days, and I hadn't slept in that time, too worried for when he did come back, wanting to see him again as soon as possible, not wanting to miss him because I was sleeping.

The two days had been complete emotional torture, with my head screaming that Reaper had left, that he wasn't coming back, that he hated me.

Cutting helped.  It made all the screaming in my mind a little duller, a little less demanding.  I did a lot of it, mostly wanting to slip away from reality for a little while, wanting to get away from the hell that is my headspace.

I had started wearing Reaper's clothes, wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to mimic his warm, comforting embrace, then sighing because I had failed miserably.

When Reaper had finally returned, I had tackled him to the ground in a tight hug, burying my face in his chest.  Reaper had jolted, but wrapped his arms back around me immediately, holding me close securely, both of us just breathing in the other's presence, not needing words as we laid on the floor in each other's arms.

Eventually, Reaper had picked me up carefully, carrying me to our bedroom, laying down with me, holding me close, both of us exchanging whispered sweet nothings and 'I love you's as we laid together.

I had fallen asleep in his arms, then woken nearly a day later to the sound of his gentle, worried voice telling me that I needed to eat something.

The next job had been two weeks later, and that time had been spent in each other's arms, barely leaving each other's sides.

During the job, I had gone over to Error's place, and Error made sure I was eating and sleeping properly, even though I could hardly bring myself to speak.

I needed Reaper. He was my air. I felt as though I couldn't breathe without him.

It felt as if he had taken the heart I had given him with him on the job, so when he was gone, I was just a lifeless corpse; grey, dull, emotionless, dead.

When Reaper had showed up at Error's house almost four days later, I went over to him and hugged him tightly, both of us quiet as I buried my face in his chest, breathing in his scent, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, the light pressure of his arms around my waist. His presence had chased away all of the bad thoughts.

I was alive when I was with him, and only then.

I could breathe with him around.

Between jobs, I had made sure to spend every second that I could with Reaper, barely sleeping just so that I could watch the steady rise and fall of his chest, just so that I could know he was here.

Soon enough, though, Reaper had noticed my not sleeping and made me rest, holding me as I drifted off for the first time in weeks.

When I had woken, Reaper was gone, and that was the first time I had cried since the whole thing had started, thinking that he had abandoned me.

Huge, heart wrenching sobs were torn from my lips as I collapsed, completely dysfunctional, broken, my chest tight, barely able to breathe without him, my head screaming, curling up into a ball in an attempt to hide from the world.

Then he had emerged from the bathroom and I had felt beyond stupid as he held me in his arms, apologising and comforting me gently.

He had left a few days after that, on a job that lasted just under a week.

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