Chapter 64

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Reaper P.O.V

He said yes.

I just kinda collapsed into him, crying quietly, my grip on his shirt loosening slightly, and I nearly dropped the damn ring box fuck.

Oh right.  The ring.

I was still crying as I slipped the silvery, gem-encrusted band onto Geno's finger, my face buried in his shoulder.  I felt the small, fragile smile that was captured on his lips when he pressed a soft kiss to my neck, making me shiver lightly.

"Let's go home, love," he whispered, holding me as I collapsed into him, barely able to stand.  I nodded weakly, grateful as Geno wrapped his arm around my waist securely, helping me to walk.

He said yes...



Geno P.O.V

I had driven him home - not well, granted - and guided him into our bedroom, my arm wrapped firmly around him.

After getting changed into more comfortable clothes, we both tumbled into bed, clinging to each other lightly. Reaper had curled into me immediately, gently interlinking our fingers, kissing me softly but desperately, trembling ever so slightly.

I kissed back, gripping at his waist, wanting him closer. Reaper smiled slightly, bending his head so that his face was buried in the crook of my neck.

"I love you, Gen..." he said timidly, cuddling up to me carefully.  I smiled slightly, pressing soft kisses to the side of his face, holding him.

"I love you too, my fiancé~" I murmured, smiling more when his face turned warm and he nuzzled into me, half hiding himself, completely and totally adorable.

"Fiancé..." he repeated softly, smiling as he tested the word out on his tongue.  He moved so that I could see his face, grinning slightly, his eyes bright.

"I really like that..." he mumbled cutely, gazing at me with wide, sparkly eyes.  "I really, really like that...  Fiancé..."

I grinned back at him, kissing his nose softly.

"I like it too," I said quietly, tugging him into a soft hug, feeling warm as my fiancé hugged me back, his face buried in my chest.

I like it too...


We fell asleep like that, arms around each other, legs intertwined, both of us clinging to the other.

When I woke hours later, Reaper wasn't near me. I checked the clock on the wall that read twenty-three minutes past three. 

So I had slept half of the day away.  Great. 

I was panicking, looking around the room for Reaper, hoping he was playing some sort of prank until I heard a crash and a yell. I moved towards the noise immediately, rushing into the kitchen. I hesitated when I reached the door, my eyes wide.



"...Reaper..?" I said quietly, a small smile tugging at my lips. Reaper looked up at me from the ground guiltily, his eyes burning with embarrassment.

"Morning, Gen," he responded awkwardly, smiling timidly. "How did you sleep..?" I returned the smile.

"I slept well... Why are you covered in flour..?"

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