Chapter 47

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Reaper P.O.V

I smiled slightly when Geno drifted off in my arms, cuddling into my chest, his hands holding onto my shirt gently.

I let my eyes trace over his face, then sighed quietly, pressing my lips to his forehead slowly, my fingertips moving over his back lightly.

"I love you," I whispered to him, my eyes shifting to drift over his body. I only then noticed that he had one of my old cloaks hitched around his waist, the material seemingly having fallen from his shoulders.

I gave a soft, strained laugh, finding the sight both incredibly adorable and sad at the same time.

'He really missed me that much.....'

I pulled the cloak over his upper body slowly, adjusting it carefully so that it wasn't so loose that it might fall off.

Geno curled into me slightly, smiling softly in his sleep, holding onto my shirt lightly, nuzzling his face into my chest.  I sighed softly, nuzzling the top of his head carefully, holding him closer protectively.

'He deserves better.  What kind of scum am I?  I killed his mother.'

"I love you," I whispered to him again, trying to block out my thoughts, gripping onto him slightly, tears sliding down my cheeks, wetting Geno's hair slightly.

The image of C.Q with my scythe embedded in her chest wouldn't leave me, the way that her bright pink hair was dyed red at the tips with her own blood, how her bright eyes had faded into the dull glaze that death brought.

I felt myself start shaking slightly, holding onto Geno more tightly as the images of his mother kept showing in my mind, tears falling down my cheeks at a rapid pace

'I love you,' I whispered in my mind, curling my body around Geno, gripping onto him tightly, my face buried in his hair, my body shaking with silent sobs.

'I'm so sorry.'


Geno P.O.V

When I woke from a dreamless slumber, Reaper was tightly curled around me, still asleep, his body shaky, his tears wetting my hair.

I gazed at him sadly for a few moments.

'He didn't deserve to be dragged into my mess.  He didn't deserve to be manipulated into killing my mother...'

I sighed quietly at the thought, wrapping my arms around Reaper securely, holding him closer.

"Reaper..." I whispered, rubbing his back in gentle circles, trying to comfort him, but to no effect.

I sat up, leaning against the headboard, then shifted Reaper carefully so that he was laying on my lap, still curled into me.

"Reaper...  wake up, love..." I said lowly, shaking him gently.  He awoke with a start and a soft cry, gripping onto me more tightly than before.

"Reaps..." I murmured, pulling him closer, embracing him gently, only to have him pull back quickly, wrapping his arms around himself, holding himself away from me, trembling.  I felt a pang of hurt, tears starting to drip down my cheeks.

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