Chapter 4

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Reaper P.O.V

I frowned when Geno left.

'Why was he crying?'  I thought worriedly, watching as Geno disappeared around a corner. 'Did I... Say something wrong maybe?' I sighed softly, regretting teasing him about a kiss.

'I know he doesn't like me in that way, I guess I took it too far,' I thought bitterly, 'This is hopeless.'  I sighed again, and relaxed into the wall, letting my eye sockets slide shut. I linked my fingers together, and placed my hands over my eyes, shielding my face from the light.  I straightened my legs, and sunk back onto the wall.  I lay there for a while, just thinking.

'I probably made him really uncomfortable, huh?' I thought, rubbing my eyes tiredly.


'He... He did blush though... Why did he blush?'  I thought eventually. My frown deepened, and I opened my eyes, sitting up properly.

'He...  He does tend to blush a lot,' I thought fondly, a small smile taking place on my face, and a hopeful feeling fluttering in my chest. I stood, eyes glinting.

'Maybe not so hopeless after all.'  The grin on my face grew even bigger as I left my cell, set on finding G, and maybe Red.

'I could use some advice~' I smirked as I walked off, letting the hope in my chest flourish.

'Love is a tricky subject~'


Geno P.O.V

I looked at Blue warily.

"Blue, seriously. What did you do?" I questioned, slightly worried. Blue fluttered his fingers, grinning wider.

"Ah, don't worry so much my buddy chum amigo pal!" He said in a falsely comforting tone, slinging his arm around my shoulders, still with that insanely wide grin. Something about the way he said it told me that I needed to worry.

"Blue," I warned. Blue's smirk grew even wider - if that was even possible - and he removed his arm from my shoulders.

"Fine, fine," he said. I nodded at him, waiting for him to continue, subconsciously fiddling with my scarf.

"Well, y'see, I may have sorta kinda just a little bit helped you with your love troubles~" Blue continued, his smile somehow growing even wider than it was before. My eyes widened slightly, and my face exploded into heat.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered. Blue's eyes glinted evilly.

"Well, y'see," he started, dropping his smile, and taking on a serious expression instead. He looked me straight in the eyes, while I growled slightly, not liking where this was going.

"I may have sorta kinda just a little bit told Red and G about your massive crush on Reaper - and don't even try to deny it, I saw the way that you looked at him. They ship it now."


How he had stated that with a straight face was beyond me.

"You... What?" I growled out, ignoring the searing heat at my cheeks. Blue gave me a nervous smile when he saw my murderous expression.

"Um- I'll be leaving now if that's okay- That's okay?- Okay then!- Bye!- Nice to have this chat!" He said quickly, not giving me a chance to answer. Blue gave me one last smile, before turning, and running as if his life depended on it - which it did.

'Blue, you bastard, spreading misinformation about me,' I thought, fury rolling off of me in waves. 'You have exactly ten seconds to run.'


Red P.O.V

I was fiddling with a toothpick in the exercise yard when I saw Reaper approaching.  I nudged G, - who wasn't doing anything in particular - and pointed towards the incoming Reaper.

"Hey guys..."  Reaper greeted.  He looked...  Different.  Sounded different too.  For some reason, his voice held nervousness, and anticipation, and his overconfident tone was almost completely gone.

"Heya Reaps," G said, smirking, not noticing Reaper's sudden change in behavior.  "How are things going with that cop?~ Geno, I believe his name was?~" Reaper flushed, and G's grin grew wider. "Have you kissed him yet?~" Reaper's face seared red.

"I won't even ask how you know that," he muttered, before saying, "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," Reaper rubbed the back of his neck.  "I may need some advice."  I straightened, suddenly interested.

"Oho~" I taunted, "Reaper, the high and mighty, asking us two lowlings for advice?  I don't think that we are worthy." 

Reaper groaned, and dumped himself on the ground, burying his face in his hands.  I was beyond surprised; Reaper never showed any sort of weakness, never genuinely asked for help - I knew that, and I had only known him for a week days - and yet here he was, with his heart on his shoulder, genuinely asking for advice from from both me and G.  G shot me a glance, and knelt beside Reaper.

"What do you need advice on?"  G asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.  Reaper looked at him gratefully.

"Love," he responded quietly.


Reaper P.O.V

I sighed when Red burst out laughing.

"You want advice on love? From us? We are literally the worst people you could be asking!" Red exclaimed, wiping away tears of laughter. "We're both hopelessly in love - with cops no less - and yet neither of us will admit it, I mean, G fell for-" G covered Red's mouth with his hand, a light blush tinting his cheeks.

"I think that that's enough," G muttered, rolling his eyes. He turned back to me, removing his hand from Red's face. "Red is right though, we are literally the worst people you could be asking." I sighed softly, and buried my face in my hands.

"Yeah, but it's not like I have anyone else to ask," I muttered. G shot me a sympathetic glance, while Red glared daggers at G. I was silent for a short while, then jumped to my feet, startling both of my companions.

"I'll be going then," I muttered. G gave me a quick nod, while Red said nothing.

"I'll see ya' round~" I called, already walking away. I didn't hear either of them respond, and I sighed again, making my way back to my cell, wondering how the hell I could manage the feeling that grew more powerful every time that I saw a certain cop's face.



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