Chapter 40

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Geno P.O.V

After Gradient had led us inside, we had chatted for a while longer, all of us carefully avoiding any topic involving couples.  Soon after that, Reaper and I had left so as not to disturb their meal any more than we already had.

I sighed softly as Reaper led me through the forestry, his arm wrapped securely around my waist.

It was growing later, and the tree-filtered sunlight was dimming. The world seemed to turn quiet, the only noises being the rustling of the leaves underfoot.

Looking up, I could just barely see the twinkling lights of the stars through the canopy of all the leaves and branches. I sighed in content, watching the sky as we walked, trusting Reaper to not let me trip.

Because I trusted him. I trusted that he wouldn't let me be hurt.  I trusted him to catch me if I were to fall. I trusted that he loved me. I trusted him with my life.

Soon, Reaper seemed to notice me looking skywards, and his movements forward halted. I looked at him, confused, and Reaper turned to me slowly, an almost childish glint sparking in his eyes.

"Follow me," he said lowly, his voice barely disturbing the calm and quiet that laid about us. Without waiting for my response, he grabbed my arm, tugging me towards a nearby tree.

"Reaps? What are you doing?" I exclaimed softly, my lips twitching into a small smile, stumbling after him until he stopped and released my arm. Reaper grinned back at me, hoisting himself up onto the lowest branch of a tree.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights, sweetheart~" he said sweetly, before swinging himself upwards, pulling himself onto the next branch.

I stood there for a few seconds, watching as Reaper grew smaller, then let out a soft laugh, childish excitement bubbling inside me.

'Afraid of heights? Yeah right.'

I swung myself up after Reaper, quickly advancing on him. He peered through the branches at me and laughed, pulling himself further up the tree at a faster pace. I quickened my own movements in response, giggling softly, and soon we were dancing through the treetops, with Reaper leading me around in a teasing game of chase, both of our laughs splitting through the cool night air.

It took a long while for either of us to tire, and by that point, we were so lost in leaves and branches and stars and moonlight and love that we couldn't care less that the ground was so far beneath us that we could barely see it.

When I finally caught up to Reaper, he was sitting on a branch, his legs dangling, panting ever so softly, his face flushed with excitement, his eyes sparkling more beautifully than any of the stars above.

He had chosen the perfect spot to take a breather.  There were little to no branches or leaves concealing the view of the sky, and the branch that he was sitting on was so thick and flat that it would difficult to fall from.

Reaper looked up at me and smiled shyly, nodding his head in invitation.

I sat beside him slowly, cuddling up to his side, pulling one of his arms around my shoulders like a blanket. I sighed contentedly, gazing up at him, half unable to believe how perfect he actually was.

His face was a jigsaw of shadows and pale moonlight, perfectly split between the two. His usually dark eyes were lit a light hazel by the moonlight, his hair streaked with shine, his lips so soft and perfect.

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