Chapter 51

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Error P.O.V

Ink woke.

After bandaging his leg with the help of a half worried, half trying-to-act-pissed Gradient, Ink woke. Barely.

"R-Ruru..?" he whispered, shivering, holding onto himself slightly. My breath hitched, and I broke down into soft sobs beside him on the ground, not noticing how Gradient left the room, leaving us to it.

"I-Inky..." I sobbed out, collapsing into his arms, burying my face in his chest, holding onto his shirt tightly, trembling.

Ink wrapped his arms around me immediately, his hold warm and secure, just as it had always been.

"Ruru..." he breathed, burying his face in my hair. "Ruru, I'm... I'm s-so sorry... I-I... l-love you."

I clung to him tighter, bringing him closer.

"I l-love you t-too, Inky... I love you t-too..." I mumbled, trembling, but calming down as he held me, taking my head out of his chest to gaze at him.

Ink seemed to relax at my words, holding onto me tighter.

"...Th-thank God..." he whispered broke my, tears spilling from his eyes ceaselessly.  "Thank God you d-don't h-hate me..."

He looked so broken. His eyes were shadows of pain and regret, his expression one of sadness and defeat. But, there was a spark of hope from how I had said that I loved him.

"...I could never hate you..." I whispered back, my eyes drifting over his features carefully. Ink slumped slightly in relief, leaning into me.

And the spark of hope grew.

"Thank you..." he whispered, "Th-Thank you..."

I pressed myself closer to him, gazing up at him.

"You don't have to thank me, Inky..." I said softly, pressing my lips to his in a gentle kiss. Ink smiled ever so slightly, pulling me closer gently, stroking the base of my waist tenderly, his hands slightly shaky as he did so. He pressed my body against his carefully, just kissing me, his every touch full of love and care.

The kiss was soft and tender and love filled. It wasn't passion, it was just love. Gentle caresses and tears and desperation and need and love.

His arms were around me, his hands at my waist, putting a gentle pressure on all of the places where he knew I needed it. My arms were wrapped tightly around his torso, my hands gripping onto the back of his shirt in a desperate manner, our legs tangled together, both of us trying to get as close as possible to the other.

I could feel the way he was slumping into me, as if he couldn't support himself, as if he just needed me.  As if I was the only thing that was keeping him from sinking.  And I knew that I was the same, pressing closer to him, needing his presence, craving his touches.

I felt it, when he stopped kissing back.

I felt his body go limp against mine. I felt his arms go loose around me. I felt the gentle, loving pressure just leave. I felt him slump into me completely as he sunk.

I felt his lips just... stop.

And then, I felt it. When the world just... stopped.

When everything just... stopped.

When I just stopped.


Geno P.O.V

When Reaper's phone had started to ring, we were in the back seat.  Reaper was on top of me, kissing me deeply, his hands roaming my body freely, touching me in places that made me melt, knowing me almost too well at this point, able to make me submit to him within!moments.

He had been very reluctant to pull away, but eventually, he did, pulling his phone out of his pocket as I whined quietly

Then he paled, answering the call and putting the phone on speaker.  My eyes widened when I saw the caller ID.


"...H-Hi Error, how's it going..?" Reaper said hesitantly.  There was a short pause as Reaper and I sweated nervously, both of us eying the phone with wary apprehension.

"It's Gradient," Gradient corrected through the speakers.  "And... Can you come over..?  Please..?  Father-... Ink is here, and...  He's hurt, his leg is... It's cut badly and it's bleeding heaps, and I...  Dad is with him right now, Ink just woke up, and I...  I'm scared and...  I just...  P-please, come over."

Reaper was already in the driver's seat, turning the engine on.

"We'll be right there, okay?  Stay calm," Reaper instructed, although he was panicking anyway, heedless of his own warning.

"Thank you," came Gradient's hushed whisper, then there was a short, staticky pop as the line went dead.

"Shit, " I whispered, pulling my seatbelt over my shoulder as Reaper started driving.


We were too late.

As soon as we burst through the front door, I was met by a tight hug.  I looked down at Gradient, hugging him back quickly.

"Gray..? Gray, where's Ink?  Error..?" I asked gently.  Gradient started sobbing quietly, clinging to me, and I rubbed his back in careful circles, trying to be of some comfort no matter how worried I was.

"I-I-I...h-h-he..." Gradient couldn't continue, obviously distressed.  I hesitated briefly, then handed him off to Reaper, who hugged him carefully.  I shared a worried glance with Reaper before turning away.

I rushed into the next room - the living room - and was met with the sight of a Jenga tower that had been knocked over, it's pieces scattered across the floor.

Behind that was Error, sobbing and hiccuping, clutching onto Ink tightly, desperately, his face buried in the other's chest. For a second, I couldn't pin why he was so distressed.

Then, I saw it. The blood pooling beneath the two of them, a red-soaked bandage wrapped around Ink's left leg, then the way that the only thing supporting the artist's head was Error's hand, the way that Ink's mismatched eyes were open but glazed over, his breathing absent, body still.

"No..." I breathed, my body turning shaky, my vision blurring with tears, but Error didn't notice my presence.

No, Error only sobbed, laying in the arms of a dead man.


Nskskdndmdnk I think my grandmother thinks that I'm queer--

She said 'I'll know when you get a boyfriend.'

Then I nodded, smiling.

Then she added 'or a girlfriend'

And I almost screamed.



That's the story

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