Chapter 59

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Reaper P.O.V

When I woke, Geno was holding me, his face buried in my hair, his breathing soft.  My head was buried in his chest, and I could hear the steady throb of his heartbeat. I would have thought he was still asleep if not for how his fingertips were tracing light, careful patterns onto my spine.

I laid there until a soft yawn escaped my mouth, then snuggled into him, pulling my face out of his chest to gaze up at him.

"Morning, my angel..." I mumbled drowsily, smiling crookedly as I stole a quick kiss from his lips. Geno smiled back at me lovingly, kissing me again, then pulling away.

"Morning, my love~" he murmured, his tone light and caring. Geno's lips met mine again, his kiss soft, sweet.

"How did you sleep?~" he asked once he had pulled away, a hint of worry in his voice as he pressed another soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.

"I slept well," I said truthfully, leaning into his touch on instinct. "How about you, angel?~"

Geno's soft smile faltered for a moment, but reappeared almost immediately. I felt a spark of worry as his mouth met my cheek in a soft kiss.

"I slept... Okay," Geno responded after some hesitation.  I paused, then reached up to gently cup his face in my hands.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked carefully, caressing his face softly.

"... It's nothing," Geno replied easily, smiling at me sweetly.

"...Gen..." I murmured, my small smile falling into a frown.  "Tell me.  Please, tell me what's wrong, I... Just want to help..."

Geno took on a guilty expression as he settled into my arms, snuggling into me, whispering a soft apology.

"Sorry, Reaps... I just... Didn't sleep long, is all," he said quietly, offering a small, tired smile. I frowned, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

"Didn't sleep long? Or didn't sleep at all?" I asked firmly. Geno looked away, and that was all the answer I needed.

"Sorry..." he whispered, shrinking into himself, his eyes fixed on his lap.

"Gen..." I trailed off, then sighed, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.  "It's okay, sweetheart, it's okay...just... Try and get some rest while I get breakfast, okay..?"

Geno hesitated, pouting slightly when I sat up, clinging onto my arm.

"I'll cook," Geno said quickly, his manner twitchy and nervous as he went to sit up, only to have me push him back down again.

"Sweetheart... It's okay... Try and sleep, I'll make you something," I said gently, but he shook his head, pulling me down on top of him, his bandaged arms creeping around me to hug me tightly.

"Gen..." I mumbled as he pulled me into a soft kiss, kissing back instinctively. "Geno, really...mmmm..."

His tongue slipped into my mouth, his hands gliding over my body as I melted, moaning softly into the kiss.

"Geno..." I moaned out quietly, shivering as he touched me in places where he knew I was sensitive, exploring every inch of my mouth as he did so.

When he pulled away, I was too dazed and lovestruck to think properly, kinda just collapsing into Geno, gazing at him shyly, breathing heavily, my eyes tracing his small, loving smile, my heart pounding in my chest.

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