Chapter 34

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Reaper P.O.V

I sighed softly when Error left, tightening my arms around Geno's waist, bringing him closer to myself, his body fitting against mine like the missing piece of a puzzle.

I couldn't be angry at Ink, despite all the wrong he had done to Error. Ink still loved Error more than anything, I knew it. I saw it on his face when I mentioned Error to him, then the way that Ink still kept a picture of the two of them.

I pressed a slow, gentle kiss to Geno's forehead, holding him closer.

"We should find a place to stay for the night," I suggested softly, nuzzling my face into his hair, rubbing his back gently, my arms wrapped around him securely.

Geno buried his face in my chest, clinging to me tightly, as if trying to hold himself back from doing a violence.

"Yeah, sounds good," Geno said, his voice deadly quiet.  I drew away from him slightly to gaze at him, looking to see the fury boiling in his eyes, the shadows that were cast over his face.

"...Sweetheart... what are you thinking right now?" I asked gently, bringing my hand to his face carefully, stroking his cheek softly and slowly.  Geno hesitated, then sighed quietly, relaxing into me, his eyes sliding shut, his expression resigned.

"I'm going to fucking kill Ink," he whispered, before he shattered in my arms, sobbing quietly.  I wrapped my arms around him carefully, picking him up gently, walking over to a tree and sitting down, leaning against it with Geno on my lap, holding as close as I could get him.

"Why?" I whispered, caressing Geno's face carefully, keeping him close.  Geno's breath caught, and he trembled in my arms, sobbing harshly.

"Did you see what he did to my brother?  How hurt Error was?  How Ink tore their family apart?  They had a kid, a family, how c-could he..?" Geno broke off into sobs, clinging to my cloak as he cried.  I held him close, stroking his back softly, staying quiet for a long while.

"...Ink tore himself up about it, too.  He...  he was so broken, Gen.... I.... I felt sorry for him.  Ink....  he...he loves Error, so much," I said eventually, my voice quiet.  Geno turned his head to glare at me weakly, tears streaming down his face.

"Of course!  Of fucking course!  That's why he broke up with Error in the most hurtful way possible!  That's why he left Error with their child!  That's why he broke my brother's heart, then threw it away as if Error was a piece of trash!  It all makes sense!"  He spat, sarcasm dripping from his voice.  I sighed quietly, gazing at him sadly.

"It's also why he keeps a photo of the pair of them in his breast pocket, and why he teared up at the mere mention of Error's name.  It's why he alters files to keep Error safe, to keep his kid safe," I said quietly, making Geno frown.

"Ink... he really..?" He asked, sounding surprised. I nodded, and Geno gave a soft, broken laugh, burying his face in my shirt. There was a long silence between us as I held him, and he was quiet in my arms.

Suddenly, Geno gripped onto my cloak.

"...promise me that we won't end up like that, please," Geno whispered eventually, pulling his face out of my cloak to gaze up at me pleadingly, his eyes sparkling with tears. "...I.... I need you, okay..? I need you, more than anything, I can't... I c-can't l-lose you, okay? I... I kn-know th-that this is s-stupid a-and s-selfish of me, b-but p-please, d-don't leave m-me, I-"

I pressed my lips to his carefully, kissing him gently, my arms wrapped around him securely. Geno started slightly, but kissed back immediately, crying softly, his hands tightly balled around the front of my cloak.

I nipped at Geno's lower lip, and he opened his mouth easily to let me in, his crying softening slightly. I gently slipped my tongue between his lips, massaging the inside of his mouth, rubbing his back softly, earning quiet, shaky moans from him.

When my hands trailed over his sides and chest, Geno's shaky moans turned louder, and he clung to me more tightly, pressing his body against mine.

I pulled away from the kiss eventually, both of us panting heavily.

"I won't leave you, okay?" I whispered after I had recovered enough from the kiss, cradling his face in my hands. "I won't ever leave you, not unless you ever tell me to leave. I need you too, Geno. I need you more than the air that I'm breathing. I would never be able to survive without you, not anymore, not now that I have you. I won't ever let you go, not unless you want me to."

Geno leant into me, holding onto me tightly, his eyes fixed on mine

"I won't ever want to let you go," he breathed. I gave a small smile, pulling him closer.

"Then I won't," I said softly, gazing back at him. "I won't let go of you, not now, not ever. I won't ever let go of you, and we can stay together for the rest of our lives, yeah?"

Geno cracked a small smile.

"That sounds perfect," he whispered, leaning his head against my chest, wrapping his legs around my waist to get as close to me as possible.

"Thank you..." he said lowly, cuddling closer to me as I stroked his back softly.

"You don't have to thank me..." I said quietly, pressing soft kisses to his forehead, holding him closer.  "I'm doing this because I want to.  I want to do it, for you.  You don't have to thank me for that."

Geno smiled up at me

"Still, I want to," he murmured, stealing a soft, sweet kiss from my lips, holding me close.

And I didn't really have anything to say to that, so I just smiled as well, kissing him again.



I think my brain is ded.

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