Chapter 65

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Geno P.O.V

When I woke up, I was in his arms.  We were in bed, curled into each other, naked and exhausted.  Everything ached, but I felt warm.  Happy. Safe.

I sighed quietly, smiling softly, cuddling into Reaper gently, nuzzling my face into his shoulder.

He had been so pissed at Classic when he discovered just how many scars I had, when he saw the evidence of how many times Classic had hurt me.

He was so protective of me and I loved it.

I smiled slightly, intertwining my fingers with Reaper's.  I jolted slightly when Reaper squeezed my hand gently, my face warming when I realised he was awake.

"M-morning..." I mumbled shyly, stealing a quick kiss from his lips.  He grinned at me slightly, tugging me into another kiss, his hand tracing over my body gently.

"Morning, my angel~ Did you sleep okay..?" He asked softly, his touches trailing over my waist carefully, making me shudder lightly.

"I did... How about you, Reaps?" I queried breathlessly, pressing slightly closer to him, making his breath hitch.

"I slept okay..." he murmured, pressing soft kisses to my face, his hand trailing over my body lovingly, making me melt into him.  We laid like that for a while, exchanging soft kisses, holding onto each other gently.

"...Do you wanna maybe get dressed..?" Reaper suggested eventually, smiling softly at me, blushing cutely. I blushed as well, giving a small nod.

"Yeah, okay," I mumbled, stealing a quick kiss from his lips, then pulling away with a small smile.

"Wanna take a shower together...?~" I asked softly, kissing his cheek gently.  He gave a small nod, grinning at me sweetly, his eyes adorably sparkly, his face a soft pink.

"Of course, sweetheart~"


After the shower, we both got dressed, me into a white t-shirt and jeans, to Reaper's disappointment.

"I'm not wearing the dress, Reaper," I stated firmly, smiling slightly as I wound my scarf around my neck. Reaper pouted, embracing me from behind, resting his mouth at my ear.

"But it looked so good on you..." he whined sadly, nuzzling me gently.

"I beg to differ..." I mumbled mindlessly, leaning into him with a small smile, enjoying his attention. "I'm fat, ugly, I don't look good in anything."  Reaper frowned, gazing at me sadly.

"Gen..?  Where'd you get that idea..?" he asked hesitantly, his eyes worried and sad. 

"The mirror.  Classic.  Any reflective surface.  Why?" I responded without thinking, leaning into him lazily, snuggling into him slightly, enjoying his warmth.

Reaper stared at me, his eyes full of pain and sadness.

"Geno... Sweetheart...  You're not.  You really aren't," he murmured, gently kissing the side of my neck, his hands tracing over my sides carefully.

"I am Reaper.  I'm ugly, I don't know why you think so much of me..." I said quietly.  Reaper's hold went rigid, guilt painting his face.

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