Chapter 61

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Geno P.O.V

Reaper and I had spent the rest of the day together, just doing random shit. Everything from singing and dancing to making out to Reaper nearly burning the kitchen while I was trying to teach him how to cook something.

When night came, I could barely sleep for eagerness to reach the next day, but Reaper had made sure that I got some rest.

He was the sweetest thing.

I had fallen asleep in his arms, nuzzled into his chest, clinging to him tightly, wrapped in his warm embrace, and had woken up the next morning to breakfast in bed.

Honestly, he could be so cute. He had made warm, buttery toast with sugar.  It was nice.

He had used the oven to cook the toast despite a perfectly good toaster, but still.

When I had tried to roll out of bed, Reaper had pulled me back to his chest, kissing me softly, and I had no want to try to escape him, so we had just laid together, sharing sweet, lazy kisses.

When we had finally tumbled out of bed, it was already past noon, but neither of us were hungry, so Reaper had pinned me to a wall and started kissing me again, his touches and actions possessive and full of passion as I melted into him.

Still kissing, we had stumbled into a random room, where he had collapsed on top of me, his hands roaming over my body gently.

When we had pulled away, both of us panting heavily, Reaper had grinned at me, asking if I was hungry yet.

I had told him that I was hungry for him, and kissed him again, grinning when his face turned hot.

Eventually, we had curled up together, letting the time pass as I held him close carefully, nuzzling his neck gently, kissing him softly, loving him.

It was when it was nearing the time to leave for the theatre that Reaper had started to seem nervous all of a sudden.

I had asked him what was wrong, countless times, but he always responded with a small smile and a soft kiss, then an 'I'm fine, my angel, don't worry.'

I was worried for him, and kept nagging until he told me that he was just nervous.

Reaper had smiled slightly when I had pulled him into a gentle kiss, nodding when I had murmured soft reassurances, then pulling me closer, kissing me deeper.

Soon, he had mumbled something about getting ready to leave, and I had nodded in agreement.

He had stopped kissing me, then pulled me to my feet, guiding me into our bedroom to show me a couple of outfits that he had seemingly picked out.

One of them was a short black dress, as well as thigh high stockings, which I had outright refused to wear, even when he had asked me to.

I wasn't going to wear it in public......If it was for just him, though.... Maybe.

Then, there were two matching suits, and two ties, one crimson, the other a deep, void-ish black. He had even found some cufflinks, one pair stamped with the word 'angel' that I knew he had meant for me.

When I had commented on how cute the cufflinks were, Reaper's face had turned a soft pink, and he had looked away, making me want to comment on how adorable he was.

Reaper had gone to get changed in the bathroom, as I wouldn't let him undress right in front of me, leaving me to change in our bedroom.

When he had emerged all dressed up, I swear, I nearly passed out due to all of the fucking breath being stolen from my damn lungs.

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