Chapter 17

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Geno P.O.V

I sighed softly as I trudged into the cafeteria.  I had my old post back now, mostly because the prison was ridiculously understaffed, and Ink couldn't find anyone else to stand at said post.

I let my eyes slide shut as I leant against a wall, but they snapped back open when an energetic, worried voice sliced through my thoughts.

"Geno?  Are you okay?"  Blue questioned.  I nodded, forcing a smile, which Blue seemed to buy.

"You look like hell," he commented, raising an eyebrow, looking me up and down.  I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"I just got back," I muttered, still with the false smile.  Blue didn't seem to hear, instead distracted with a certain edgy guy.

I looked to Red and his companions, but started shivering when I saw Reaper.  A seemingly miserable Reaper who had his face buried in his arms, and his two friends at either shoulder, prodding him with inquisitive, worried looks on their faces.  I edged away slightly, slight guilt making it's way through me.

"Hey, Blue," I uttered.  Blue looked to me, smiling.

"Yeah?"  He voiced.  I gave a forced smile, and backed away.  Blue tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"I need to g-" I cut myself off with a soft gasp when I bumped into someone.  I whirled round to face an extremely pissed Reaper.  He had bags under his eyes, and his hair was tousled, his clothes askew.  He was frowning at me, and his eyes were empty of emotion.  I gulped, and froze.

"Heya...  Reaper," I tried, attempting a smile.  His frown deepened, and I backed away, only for my back to be met with a wall.  Reaper stepped closer to me so that our bodies were pressed against each other.  I started trembling, and tears pricked at my eyes, fear clutching at my heart.  Reaper brushed them away promptly, expression not changing in the slightest.

"You can't just kiss someone and run off, sweetheart."  His tone was exasperated, and his eyes glinted with pain.  I closed my eyes in anticipation, shaking uncontrollably.

I gasped softly when he pressed his lips to mine, but kissed back almost immediately.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, while his arms went around my waist.  Fire danced on my skin, and electricity coursed through my veins.  He pulled back, stared at me for a couple of seconds, then smashed our lips back together.  I opened my mouth immediately after I felt his tongue brush against my lips, and felt Reaper's smile.  His tongue entered my mouth, intertwining with my own, and I pulled him closer, stifling a moan.

The moment was cut short when Blue gave a soft cough.  I pulled away instantly, eyes wide with embarrassment, face red hot, and wiped away the trail of saliva that was strung between me and Reaper.

My gaze turned from the suggestive face of Blue, to the audience that was behind him.  I looked away Red and G, who both wore enormous smirks, but my eyes caught on a pair of near-white-blondes, one with blue eyes, and one with unnaturally purple ones.  Their hands were joint, and their fingers were intertwined. My breath hitched when I saw the dangerous, lustful smiles that both wore, full of evil intent.

Gaze stilled trained on the pair, I pulled away from Reaper, walked backwards a couple of steps, then turned, and ran.


Reaper P.O.V

I sat with my face buried in my arms, completely and totally defeated.  G and Red both sat at my sides, and even though they were both pissed at me for not following through with the escape plan, and not giving them a route to escape through, they both wore worried expressions, and poked me occasionally - just to 'make sure that I hadn't died'.

Eventually, Red spoke up.

"Look, dude, we forgive you - even if you won't tell us why you messed up in the first place.  All in the past.  So- dON'T IGNORE ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER!"

I had turned away from him while he was speaking, and looked up to see someone who made my heart beat quicken.

Geno.  His clothes were rumpled, his eyes red.  He looked dead, though I doubted that I was much better.

I was behind him in an instant, ignoring the annoyed calls of my friends.  He was backing away from Blue slowly, obvious discomfort radiating off of him.  He soon bumped into me, yelped, and whirled around to face me.  There was almost a minute of silence.

"Heya...  Reaper," he tried, giving a smile that stretched across his face unnaturally.  I frowned, and took a step towards him, only for him to take a step back.  We continued that way until Geno's back was up against a wall, our chests were touching, and our breath mingled.

Geno started trembling, tears pricking at his eyes.  I brushed them away promptly.

"You can't just kiss someone and run off, sweetheart,"  I stated, exasperation showing in my voice, pain hinting at my expression.  Geno squeezed his eyes shut tightly, shaking.

Geno gave a soft gasp when I pressed my lips to his, but kissed back almost immediately.  Ice and fire danced through my body together, sending shivers down my spine.  Fireworks went off in my head, and I kissed Geno harder.  I pulled away for a short while to stare at him, then smashed our lips back together.  I teased my tongue against his lips, and was slightly surprised when he opened his mouth to let me in.  I smiled, and gently pushed my tongue into his mouth, intertwining our tongues.  He sighed contentedly, but pulled away when a soft cough reached his ears.

Geno wiped away the trail of saliva that was strung between us, face radiating heat.  I would have laughed if not for his breathing quickening, and his eyes going wide.  He started trembling, gaze fixed on something that was behind me.

After over a minute of just staring, Geno tore himself away from me, and ran from the cafeteria.  I whirled around to see what made Geno so afraid, and was met with joint-handed Classic and Lust, both with maniacal smiles that promised pain.

I paled, and sprinted out the door, following the last of a worn, red scarf that had just disappeared around a corner.


I cAn'T mAkE a SiNgLe ChApTeR hAvE a HaPpY eNdInG, cAn I? xP

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