Chapter 18

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Reaper P.O.V

I raced off in the direction Geno ran off in, uncaring of the angry calls of cops that were chasing after me.

'How is he so fast?' I huffed as I ran, breathing heavily. Eventually, Geno slowed, and stopped at an empty cell - one that I knew wasn't assigned to a prisoner, as it was so cut off from the rest of the prison.

I just stood there, bent over, breathing heavily as Geno sat on the bed, and curled up into a ball. I was jolted from my mind when he started to sob, and I approached him slowly. I seated myself beside him, and embraced his smaller frame. He froze, but eventually relaxed into my arms, still sobbing.


Geno P.O.V

I sprinted as fast as I could until I was sure that no one could have followed - though that meant that I had run past my usual hiding place, and had to resort to an cell that hadn't been assigned to a prisoner.

I stumbled to the cell bed, tears falling down my cheeks as I collapsed onto the grimy sheets. I curled up into a ball, allowing myself to sob into my arms.

'Why do they scare me so much?' I asked myself, 'Why do I have to be so weak? Why am I such a coward?'

My breath hitched when the bed moved, and I felt arms - other than my own - around me. I knew without knowing that it was Reaper. I tensed, letting out a soft whimper.

Reaper stroked by back gently, and I couldn't help but to relax into his embrace, though still sobbing softly. His presence was so comforting, his aura warm, protective.

He pulled me onto his lap carefully, and I rested my head against his chest, letting my tears soak through his orange jumpsuit. He nuzzled my cheek gently, then pulled away to look me in my eyes.

"I won't let them hurt you.  I promised, remember?" I sighed softly.

"Yeah, but-" He cut me off.

"But what?" He asked. I paused, lost for words

Reaper grinned, and wiped the last of my tears away

"Exactly," he whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

I squeaked in surprise, but kissed back, cheeks warming. Reaper pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. His tongue brushed against my lips, and I opened my mouth to let him in, blushing furiously. I felt his smile as his tongue slipped into my mouth, intertwining with my own. I made an involuntary keening noise into the kiss, pressing myself closer to him.

I pulled away eventually, gasping for air, face burning. Reaper was panting softly, smiling gently at me, cheeks a soft red. He nuzzled my neck gently, and I gasped softly. He smiled against the skin of my neck, then pulled away.

"You seem to have enjoyed that," he commented, tilting his head to the side, making my face heat up even further.

"Shut up asshole," I muttered, kissing him again. I felt his smirk as his mouth moved against mine flawlessly. My eyes slid shut, and I moaned softly when Reaper started exploring my mouth. When he drew away, he smiled slightly, and wiped a trail of saliva from my chin.

"I love you, okay, sweetheart? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know how cliche it is, but it's true. I wouldn't trade a single moment with you for anything."

I froze at his words, tears pricking at my eyes.

"I... I'm sorry," I whispered. Reaper's eyes clouded over with anticipation and pain.

"I can't... I can't say it back, I'm sorry." I closed my eyes, tears falling.

"I'm just... scared." I wrapped my arms around myself tightly.

"I have these big feelings towards you, and they're all fuzzy and huge, positive and bubbly and happy and conflicting and real, confusing and yet perfect, but they're scary. They scare me. I thought... I thought that I had blocked them out after... After Classic, but they're here. They're here, and they scare me, more than anything, because what if you turn out like Classic? I had the same feelings towards him, but he still... Even though I know that you're completely different, the fear is still there, ever present. I don't know if it will ever go away." I smiled tearfully. "And... You probably hate me now. I should... I should go."

Reaper paused, probably out of shock, then he smiled sadly, and pulled me in for a short, sweet kiss. Shock flooded me, but before I could say anything, Reaper did.

"It's okay," he whispered, a gentle smile on his face.

"It's okay, you may not want to say it now, and I understand that. I know that you've been hurt by Classic, I know that you're scared, I am too. It's okay that you don't want to say it, but when you do, I'll still be here. I'll wait for you. I love you, Geno. I'll wait as long as it takes"

My tear filled eyes widened, and I could only stare at him, tears falling down my cheeks silently. He smiled gently, eyes sparkling with love.

Love.  This weirdly wonderful feeling that ensued at the mere sight of Reaper's face.  The feeling that was multiplied by hundreds at his touch, that made my heart want to jump out of my chest when his lips were on mine.

And so it was no wonder when I leaned across to smash our lips back together, the warm feeling blooming in my chest, tears spilling from my eyes.  Eventually, I pulled away, resting my forehead against his.

"Thank you," I whispered, "Thank you, Reaper."

He smiled at me gently, kissing me shortly, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"It's okay, sweetheart, it's okay," Reaper said quietly, eyes kind.  I laughed softly, and wrapped my arms around him tightly.  He stroked my back comfortingly, and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

For the first time in such a long time, I felt safe, secure, loved.



Needs more angst :D

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